/** * Copyright 2018-2020 stylefeng & fengshuonan (https://gitee.com/stylefeng) *

* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at *

* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 *

* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cn.stylefeng.guns.sys.core.exception.enums; import cn.stylefeng.roses.kernel.model.exception.AbstractBaseExceptionEnum; /** * @author fengshuonan * @Description 所有业务异常的枚举 * @date 2016年11月12日 下午5:04:51 */ public enum BizExceptionEnum implements AbstractBaseExceptionEnum { /** * 字典 */ DICT_EXISTED(400, "字典已经存在"), ERROR_CREATE_DICT(500, "创建字典失败"), ERROR_WRAPPER_FIELD(500, "包装字典属性失败"), ERROR_CODE_EMPTY(500, "字典类型不能为空"), /** * 文件上传 */ FILE_READING_ERROR(400, "FILE_READING_ERROR!"), FILE_NOT_FOUND(400, "FILE_NOT_FOUND!"), UPLOAD_ERROR(500, "上传图片出错"), /** * 权限和数据问题 */ DB_RESOURCE_NULL(400, "数据库中没有该资源"), NO_PERMITION(405, "权限异常"), REQUEST_INVALIDATE(400, "请求数据格式不正确"), INVALID_KAPTCHA(400, "验证码不正确"), CANT_DELETE_ADMIN(600, "不能删除超级管理员"), CANT_FREEZE_ADMIN(600, "不能冻结超级管理员"), CANT_CHANGE_ADMIN(600, "不能修改超级管理员角色"), /** * 账户问题 */ NOT_LOGIN(401, "当前用户未登录"), USER_ALREADY_REG(401, "该用户已经注册"), NO_THIS_USER(400, "没有此用户"), USER_NOT_EXISTED(400, "没有此用户"), ACCOUNT_FREEZED(401, "账号被冻结"), OLD_PWD_NOT_RIGHT(402, "原密码不正确"), TWO_PWD_NOT_MATCH(405, "两次输入密码不一致"), /** * 错误的请求 */ MENU_PCODE_COINCIDENCE(400, "菜单编号和副编号不能一致"), EXISTED_THE_MENU(400, "菜单编号重复,不能添加"), DICT_MUST_BE_NUMBER(400, "字典的值必须为数字"), REQUEST_NULL(400, "请求有错误"), SESSION_TIMEOUT(400, "会话超时"), SERVER_ERROR(500, "服务器异常"), /** * token异常 */ TOKEN_EXPIRED(700, "token过期"), TOKEN_ERROR(700, "token验证失败"), /** * 签名异常 */ SIGN_ERROR(700, "签名验证失败"), /** * 系统常量 */ ALREADY_CONSTANTS_ERROR(400, "已经存在该编码的系统参数"), SYSTEM_CONSTANT_ERROR(400, "不能删除系统常量"), /** * 其他 */ AUTH_REQUEST_ERROR(400, "账号密码错误"), /** * ueditor相关异常 */ UE_CONFIG_ERROR(800, "读取ueditor配置失败"), UE_FILE_NULL_ERROR(801, "上传文件为空"), UE_FILE_READ_ERROR(803, "读取文件错误"), UE_FILE_SAVE_ERROR(802, "保存ue的上传文件出错"), /** * 工作流相关 */ ACT_NO_FLOW(900, "无可用流程,请先导入或新建流程"), ACT_ADD_ERROR(901, "新建流程错误"), /** * 租户相关的异常 */ NO_TENANT_ERROR(1901, "没有相关租户"); BizExceptionEnum(int code, String message) { this.code = code; this.message = message; } private Integer code; private String message; @Override public Integer getCode() { return code; } public void setCode(Integer code) { this.code = code; } @Override public String getMessage() { return message; } public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } }