/* * Activiti Modeler component part of the Activiti project * Copyright 2005-2014 Alfresco Software, Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ 'use strict'; var KISBPM = KISBPM || {}; KISBPM.TOOLBAR_CONFIG = { "items" : [ { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.SAVE", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-save", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.saveModel" }, { "type" : "separator", "title" : "", "cssClass" : "toolbar-separator" }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.CUT", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-cut", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.cut", "enabled" : false, "enabledAction" : "element" }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.COPY", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-copy", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.copy", "enabled" : false, "enabledAction" : "element" }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.PASTE", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-paste", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.paste", "enabled" : false }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.DELETE", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-delete", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.deleteItem", "enabled" : false, "enabledAction" : "element" }, { "type" : "separator", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.SAVE", "cssClass" : "toolbar-separator" }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.REDO", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-redo", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.redo", "enabled" : false }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.UNDO", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-undo", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.undo", "enabled" : false }, { "type" : "separator", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.SAVE", "cssClass" : "toolbar-separator" }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.ALIGNVERTICAL", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-align-vertical", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.alignVertical", "enabled" : false, "enabledAction" : "element", "minSelectionCount" : 2 }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.ALIGNHORIZONTAL", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-align-horizontal", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.alignHorizontal", "enabledAction" : "element", "enabled" : false, "minSelectionCount" : 2 }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.SAMESIZE", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-same-size", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.sameSize", "enabledAction" : "element", "enabled" : false, "minSelectionCount" : 2 }, { "type" : "separator", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.SAVE", "cssClass" : "toolbar-separator" }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.ZOOMIN", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-zoom-in", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.zoomIn" }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.ZOOMOUT", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-zoom-out", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.zoomOut" }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.ZOOMACTUAL", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-zoom-actual", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.zoomActual" }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.ZOOMFIT", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-zoom-fit", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.zoomFit" }, { "type" : "separator", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.SAVE", "cssClass" : "toolbar-separator" }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.BENDPOINT.ADD", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-bendpoint-add", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.addBendPoint", "id" : "add-bendpoint-button" }, { "type" : "button", "title" : "TOOLBAR.ACTION.BENDPOINT.REMOVE", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-bendpoint-remove", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.removeBendPoint", "id" : "remove-bendpoint-button" } ], "secondaryItems" : [ { "type" : "button", "title" : "Close", "cssClass" : "editor-icon editor-icon-close", "action" : "KISBPM.TOOLBAR.ACTIONS.closeEditor" } ] };