layui.define([], function (exports) { var PLUGIN_NAME = 'iziToast'; // 样式类名 var BODY = document.querySelector('body'); var ISMOBILE = (/Mobi/.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? true : false; var MOBILEWIDTH = 568; var ISCHROME = /Chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent) && /Google Inc/.test(navigator.vendor); var ISFIREFOX = typeof InstallTrigger !== 'undefined'; var ACCEPTSTOUCH = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement; // 显示区域 var POSITIONS = ['bottomRight', 'bottomLeft', 'bottomCenter', 'topRight', 'topLeft', 'topCenter', 'center']; // 默认主题 var THEMES = { info: { color: 'blue', icon: 'ico-info' }, success: { color: 'green', icon: 'ico-success' }, warning: { color: 'orange', icon: 'ico-warning' }, error: { color: 'red', icon: 'ico-error' }, question: { color: 'yellow', icon: 'ico-question' } }; var CONFIG = {}; // 全局配置 // 默认配置 var defaults = { id: null, className: '', // 自定义class,用空格分割 title: '', // 标题 titleColor: '', // 标题文字颜色 titleSize: '', // 标题文字大小 titleLineHeight: '', // 标题高度 message: '', // 内容 messageColor: '', // 内容文字颜色 messageSize: '', // 内容文字大小 messageLineHeight: '', // 内容高度 backgroundColor: '', // 背景颜色 theme: 'light', // dark color: '', // 背景颜色 icon: '', // 图标 iconText: '', // 图标文字 iconColor: '', // 图标颜色 iconUrl: null, // 图标地址 image: '', // 是否显示图片 imageWidth: 60, // 图片宽度 maxWidth: null, // 最大宽度 zindex: null, // layout: 2, // 布局类型 balloon: false, // 气泡 close: true, // 是否显示关闭按钮 closeOnEscape: false, closeOnClick: false, // 点击关闭 displayMode: 0, // 0无限制,1存在就不发出,2销毁之前 position: 'topRight', // bottomRight, bottomLeft, topRight, topLeft, topCenter, bottomCenter, center target: '', // 显示位置 targetFirst: null, // 插入顺序 timeout: 5000, // 关闭时间,false不自动关闭 rtl: false, // 内容居右 animateInside: false, // 进入动画效果 drag: true, // 是否可滑动移除 pauseOnHover: true, // 鼠标移入暂停进度条时间 resetOnHover: false, // 鼠标移入重置进度条时间 progressBar: true, // 是否显示进度条 progressBarColor: '', // 进度条颜色 progressBarEasing: 'linear', // 进度条动画效果 overlay: false, // 是否显示遮罩层 overlayClose: false, // 点击遮罩层是否关闭 overlayColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)', // 遮罩层颜色 transitionIn: 'fadeInLeft', // bounceInLeft, bounceInRight, bounceInUp, bounceInDown, fadeIn, fadeInDown, fadeInUp, fadeInLeft, fadeInRight, flipInX transitionOut: 'fadeOutRight', // fadeOut, fadeOutUp, fadeOutDown, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutRight, flipOutX transitionInMobile: 'bounceInDown', // 移动端进入动画 transitionOutMobile: 'fadeOutUp', // 移动端退出动画 buttons: {}, // 操作按钮 inputs: {}, // 输入框 audio: '', // 音效 onOpening: function () { }, onOpened: function () { }, onClosing: function () { }, onClosed: function () { } }; var $iziToast = { children: {}, setSetting: function (ref, option, value) { $iziToast.children[ref][option] = value; }, getSetting: function (ref, option) { return $iziToast.children[ref][option]; }, // 全局设置 settings: function (options) { $iziToast.destroy(); // 全部销毁之前的通知 CONFIG = options; defaults = extend(defaults, options || {}); }, // 关闭所有通知 destroy: function () { forEach(document.querySelectorAll('.' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-overlay'), function (element, index) { element.remove(); }); forEach(document.querySelectorAll('.' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-wrapper'), function (element, index) { element.remove(); }); forEach(document.querySelectorAll('.' + PLUGIN_NAME), function (element, index) { element.remove(); }); this.children = {}; // 移除事件监听 document.removeEventListener(PLUGIN_NAME + '-opened', {}, false); document.removeEventListener(PLUGIN_NAME + '-opening', {}, false); document.removeEventListener(PLUGIN_NAME + '-closing', {}, false); document.removeEventListener(PLUGIN_NAME + '-closed', {}, false); document.removeEventListener('keyup', {}, false); CONFIG = {}; // 移除全局配置 }, // msg类型 msg: function (msg, options) { if (options.icon == 4) { options.overlay = true; options.timeout = false; options.drag = false; options.displayMode = 0; } var icons = ['ico-success', 'ico-error', 'ico-warning', 'ico-load', 'ico-info']; options.icon = icons[options.icon - 1]; var theme = { message: msg, position: 'topCenter', transitionIn: 'bounceInDown', transitionOut: 'fadeOut', transitionOutMobile: 'fadeOut', progressBar: false, close: false, layout: 1, audio: '' }; var settings = extend(CONFIG, options || {}); settings = extend(theme, settings || {});; } }; // 关闭指定的通知 $iziToast.hide = function (options, $toast, closedBy) { if (typeof $toast != 'object') { $toast = document.querySelector($toast); } var that = this; var settings = extend(this.children[$toast.getAttribute('data-iziToast-ref')], options || {}); settings.closedBy = closedBy || null; delete settings.time.REMAINING; $toast.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-closing'); // 移除遮罩层 (function () { var $overlay = document.querySelector('.' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-overlay'); if ($overlay !== null) { var refs = $overlay.getAttribute('data-iziToast-ref'); refs = refs.split(','); var index = refs.indexOf(String(settings.ref)); if (index !== -1) { refs.splice(index, 1); } $overlay.setAttribute('data-iziToast-ref', refs.join()); if (refs.length === 0) { $overlay.classList.remove('fadeIn'); $overlay.classList.add('fadeOut'); setTimeout(function () { $overlay.remove(); }, 700); } } })(); // 移除动画 if (settings.transitionIn) { $toast.classList.remove(settings.transitionIn); } if (settings.transitionInMobile) { $toast.classList.remove(settings.transitionInMobile); } if (ISMOBILE || window.innerWidth <= MOBILEWIDTH) { if (settings.transitionOutMobile) $toast.classList.add(settings.transitionOutMobile); } else { if (settings.transitionOut) $toast.classList.add(settings.transitionOut); } var H = $toast.parentNode.offsetHeight; $ = H + 'px'; $ = 'none'; if (!ISMOBILE || window.innerWidth > MOBILEWIDTH) { $ = '0.2s'; } try { var event = new CustomEvent(PLUGIN_NAME + '-closing', {detail: settings, bubbles: true, cancelable: true}); document.dispatchEvent(event); } catch (ex) { console.warn(ex); } setTimeout(function () { $ = '0px'; $ = ''; setTimeout(function () { delete that.children[settings.ref]; $toast.parentNode.remove(); try { var event = new CustomEvent(PLUGIN_NAME + '-closed', { detail: settings, bubbles: true, cancelable: true }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } catch (ex) { console.warn(ex); } if (typeof settings.onClosed !== 'undefined') { settings.onClosed.apply(null, [settings, $toast, closedBy]); } }, 1000); }, 200); // 回调关闭事件 if (typeof settings.onClosing !== 'undefined') { settings.onClosing.apply(null, [settings, $toast, closedBy]); } }; // 显示通知 $ = function (options) { var that = this; // Merge user options with defaults var settings = extend(CONFIG, options || {}); settings = extend(defaults, settings); settings.time = {}; if ( === null) { = generateId(settings.title + settings.message + settings.color); } if (settings.displayMode == 1 || settings.displayMode == 'once') { try { if (document.querySelectorAll('.' + PLUGIN_NAME + '#' + > 0) { return false; } } catch (exc) { console.warn('[' + PLUGIN_NAME + '] Could not find an element with this selector: ' + '#' + + '. Try to set an valid id.'); } } if (settings.displayMode == 2 || settings.displayMode == 'replace') { try { forEach(document.querySelectorAll('.' + PLUGIN_NAME + '#' +, function (element, index) { that.hide(settings, element, 'replaced'); }); } catch (exc) { console.warn('[' + PLUGIN_NAME + '] Could not find an element with this selector: ' + '#' + + '. Try to set an valid id.'); } } settings.ref = new Date().getTime() + Math.floor((Math.random() * 10000000) + 1); $iziToast.children[settings.ref] = settings; var $DOM = { body: document.querySelector('body'), overlay: document.createElement('div'), toast: document.createElement('div'), toastBody: document.createElement('div'), toastTexts: document.createElement('div'), toastCapsule: document.createElement('div'), cover: document.createElement('div'), buttons: document.createElement('div'), inputs: document.createElement('div'), icon: !settings.iconUrl ? document.createElement('i') : document.createElement('img'), wrapper: null }; $DOM.toast.setAttribute('data-iziToast-ref', settings.ref); $DOM.toast.appendChild($DOM.toastBody); $DOM.toastCapsule.appendChild($DOM.toast); // CSS Settings (function () { $DOM.toast.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME); $DOM.toast.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-opening'); $DOM.toastCapsule.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-capsule'); $DOM.toastBody.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-body'); $DOM.toastTexts.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-texts'); if (ISMOBILE || window.innerWidth <= MOBILEWIDTH) { if (settings.transitionInMobile) $DOM.toast.classList.add(settings.transitionInMobile); } else { if (settings.transitionIn) $DOM.toast.classList.add(settings.transitionIn); } if (settings.className) { var classes = settings.className.split(' '); forEach(classes, function (value, index) { $DOM.toast.classList.add(value); }); } if ( { $ =; } if (settings.rtl) { $DOM.toast.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-rtl'); $DOM.toast.setAttribute('dir', 'rtl'); } if (settings.layout > 1) { $DOM.toast.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-layout' + settings.layout); } if (settings.balloon) { $DOM.toast.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-balloon'); } if (settings.maxWidth) { if (!isNaN(settings.maxWidth)) { $ = settings.maxWidth + 'px'; } else { $ = settings.maxWidth; } } if (settings.theme !== '' || settings.theme !== 'light') { $DOM.toast.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-theme-' + settings.theme); } if (settings.color) { //#, rgb, rgba, hsl if (isColor(settings.color)) { $ = settings.color; } else { $DOM.toast.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-color-' + settings.color); } } if (settings.backgroundColor) { $ = settings.backgroundColor; if (settings.balloon) { $ = settings.backgroundColor; } } })(); // Cover image (function () { if (settings.image) { $DOM.cover.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-cover'); $ = settings.imageWidth + 'px'; if (isBase64(settings.image.replace(/ /g, ''))) { $ = 'url(data:image/png;base64,' + settings.image.replace(/ /g, '') + ')'; } else { $ = 'url(' + settings.image + ')'; } if (settings.rtl) { $ = (settings.imageWidth) + 'px'; } else { $ = (settings.imageWidth) + 'px'; } $DOM.toast.appendChild($DOM.cover); } })(); // Button close (function () { if (settings.close) { $DOM.buttonClose = document.createElement('button'); // $DOM.buttonClose.type = 'button'; $DOM.buttonClose.setAttribute('type', 'button'); $DOM.buttonClose.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-close'); $DOM.buttonClose.addEventListener('click', function (e) { var button =; that.hide(settings, $DOM.toast, 'button'); }); $DOM.toast.appendChild($DOM.buttonClose); } else { if (settings.rtl) { $ = '18px'; } else { $ = '18px'; } } })(); // Progress Bar & Timeout (function () { if (settings.progressBar) { $DOM.progressBar = document.createElement('div'); $DOM.progressBarDiv = document.createElement('div'); $DOM.progressBar.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-progressbar'); $ = settings.progressBarColor; $DOM.progressBar.appendChild($DOM.progressBarDiv); $DOM.toast.appendChild($DOM.progressBar); } if (settings.timeout) { if (settings.pauseOnHover && !settings.resetOnHover) { $DOM.toast.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (e) { that.progress(settings, $DOM.toast).pause(); }); $DOM.toast.addEventListener('mouseleave', function (e) { that.progress(settings, $DOM.toast).resume(); }); } if (settings.resetOnHover) { $DOM.toast.addEventListener('mouseenter', function (e) { that.progress(settings, $DOM.toast).reset(); }); $DOM.toast.addEventListener('mouseleave', function (e) { that.progress(settings, $DOM.toast).start(); }); } } })(); // Icon (function () { if (settings.iconUrl) { $DOM.icon.setAttribute('class', PLUGIN_NAME + '-icon'); $DOM.icon.setAttribute('src', settings.iconUrl); } else if (settings.icon) { $DOM.icon.setAttribute('class', PLUGIN_NAME + '-icon ' + settings.icon); if (settings.iconText) { $DOM.icon.appendChild(document.createTextNode(settings.iconText)); } if (settings.iconColor) { $ = settings.iconColor; } } if (settings.icon || settings.iconUrl) { if (settings.rtl) { $ = '33px'; } else { $ = '33px'; } $DOM.toastBody.appendChild($DOM.icon); } })(); // Title & Message (function () { if (settings.title.length > 0) { $DOM.strong = document.createElement('strong'); $DOM.strong.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-title'); $DOM.strong.appendChild(createFragElem(settings.title)); $DOM.toastTexts.appendChild($DOM.strong); if (settings.titleColor) { $ = settings.titleColor; } if (settings.titleSize) { if (!isNaN(settings.titleSize)) { $ = settings.titleSize + 'px'; } else { $ = settings.titleSize; } } if (settings.titleLineHeight) { if (!isNaN(settings.titleSize)) { $ = settings.titleLineHeight + 'px'; } else { $ = settings.titleLineHeight; } } } if (settings.message.length > 0) { $DOM.p = document.createElement('p'); $DOM.p.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-message'); $DOM.p.appendChild(createFragElem(settings.message)); $DOM.toastTexts.appendChild($DOM.p); if (settings.messageColor) { $ = settings.messageColor; } if (settings.messageSize) { if (!isNaN(settings.titleSize)) { $ = settings.messageSize + 'px'; } else { $ = settings.messageSize; } } if (settings.messageLineHeight) { if (!isNaN(settings.titleSize)) { $ = settings.messageLineHeight + 'px'; } else { $ = settings.messageLineHeight; } } } if (settings.title.length > 0 && settings.message.length > 0) { if (settings.rtl) { $ = '10px'; } else if (settings.layout != 2 && !settings.rtl) { $ = '10px'; $ = '0px'; } } })(); $DOM.toastBody.appendChild($DOM.toastTexts); // Inputs var $inputs; (function () { if (settings.inputs.length > 0) { $DOM.inputs.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-inputs'); forEach(settings.inputs, function (value, index) { $DOM.inputs.appendChild(createFragElem(value[0])); $inputs = $DOM.inputs.childNodes; $inputs[index].classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-inputs-child'); if (value[3]) { setTimeout(function () { $inputs[index].focus(); }, 300); } $inputs[index].addEventListener(value[1], function (e) { var ts = value[2]; return ts(that, $DOM.toast, this, e); }); }); $DOM.toastBody.appendChild($DOM.inputs); } })(); // Buttons (function () { if (settings.buttons.length > 0) { $DOM.buttons.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-buttons'); forEach(settings.buttons, function (value, index) { $DOM.buttons.appendChild(createFragElem(value[0])); var $btns = $DOM.buttons.childNodes; $btns[index].classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-buttons-child'); if (value[2]) { setTimeout(function () { $btns[index].focus(); }, 300); } $btns[index].addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var ts = value[1]; return ts(that, $DOM.toast, this, e, $inputs); }); }); } $DOM.toastTexts.appendChild($DOM.buttons); })(); if (settings.message.length > 0 && (settings.inputs.length > 0 || settings.buttons.length > 0)) { $ = '0'; } if (settings.inputs.length > 0 || settings.buttons.length > 0) { if (settings.rtl) { $ = '10px'; } else { $ = '10px'; } if (settings.inputs.length > 0 && settings.buttons.length > 0) { if (settings.rtl) { $ = '8px'; } else { $ = '8px'; } } } // Wrap (function () { $ = 'hidden'; setTimeout(function () { var H = $DOM.toast.offsetHeight; var style = $DOM.toast.currentStyle || window.getComputedStyle($DOM.toast); var marginTop = style.marginTop; marginTop = marginTop.split('px'); marginTop = parseInt(marginTop[0]); var marginBottom = style.marginBottom; marginBottom = marginBottom.split('px'); marginBottom = parseInt(marginBottom[0]); $ = ''; $ = (H + marginBottom + marginTop) + 'px'; setTimeout(function () { $ = 'auto'; if ( { $ = 'visible'; } }, 500); if (settings.timeout) { that.progress(settings, $DOM.toast).start(); } }, 100); })(); // Target (function () { var position = settings.position; if ( { $DOM.wrapper = document.querySelector(; $DOM.wrapper.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-target'); if (settings.targetFirst) { $DOM.wrapper.insertBefore($DOM.toastCapsule, $DOM.wrapper.firstChild); } else { $DOM.wrapper.appendChild($DOM.toastCapsule); } } else { if (POSITIONS.indexOf(settings.position) == -1) { console.warn('[' + PLUGIN_NAME + '] Incorrect position.\nIt can be › ' + POSITIONS); return; } if (ISMOBILE || window.innerWidth <= MOBILEWIDTH) { if (settings.position == 'bottomLeft' || settings.position == 'bottomRight' || settings.position == 'bottomCenter') { position = PLUGIN_NAME + '-wrapper-bottomCenter'; } else if (settings.position == 'topLeft' || settings.position == 'topRight' || settings.position == 'topCenter') { position = PLUGIN_NAME + '-wrapper-topCenter'; } else { position = PLUGIN_NAME + '-wrapper-center'; } } else { position = PLUGIN_NAME + '-wrapper-' + position; } $DOM.wrapper = document.querySelector('.' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-wrapper.' + position); if (!$DOM.wrapper) { $DOM.wrapper = document.createElement('div'); $DOM.wrapper.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-wrapper'); $DOM.wrapper.classList.add(position); document.body.appendChild($DOM.wrapper); } var targetFirst = settings.targetFirst; if ((targetFirst == undefined || targetFirst == null) && (settings.position == 'topLeft' || settings.position == 'topCenter' || settings.position == 'topRight')) { targetFirst = true; } if (targetFirst) { $DOM.wrapper.insertBefore($DOM.toastCapsule, $DOM.wrapper.firstChild); } else { $DOM.wrapper.appendChild($DOM.toastCapsule); } } if (!isNaN(settings.zindex)) { $ = settings.zindex; } else { console.warn('[' + PLUGIN_NAME + '] Invalid zIndex.'); } })(); // Overlay (function () { if (settings.overlay) { if (document.querySelector('.' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-overlay.fadeIn') !== null) { $DOM.overlay = document.querySelector('.' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-overlay'); $DOM.overlay.setAttribute('data-iziToast-ref', $DOM.overlay.getAttribute('data-iziToast-ref') + ',' + settings.ref); if (!isNaN(settings.zindex) && settings.zindex !== null) { $ = settings.zindex - 1; } } else { $DOM.overlay.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-overlay'); $DOM.overlay.classList.add('fadeIn'); $ = settings.overlayColor; $DOM.overlay.setAttribute('data-iziToast-ref', settings.ref); if (!isNaN(settings.zindex) && settings.zindex !== null) { $ = settings.zindex - 1; } document.querySelector('body').appendChild($DOM.overlay); } if (settings.overlayClose) { $DOM.overlay.removeEventListener('click', {}); $DOM.overlay.addEventListener('click', function (e) { that.hide(settings, $DOM.toast, 'overlay'); }); } else { $DOM.overlay.removeEventListener('click', {}); } } })(); // Inside animations (function () { if (settings.animateInside) { $DOM.toast.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-animateInside'); var animationTimes = [200, 100, 300]; if (settings.transitionIn == 'bounceInLeft' || settings.transitionIn == 'bounceInRight') { animationTimes = [400, 200, 400]; } if (settings.title.length > 0) { setTimeout(function () { $DOM.strong.classList.add('slideIn'); }, animationTimes[0]); } if (settings.message.length > 0) { setTimeout(function () { $DOM.p.classList.add('slideIn'); }, animationTimes[1]); } if (settings.icon || settings.iconUrl) { setTimeout(function () { $DOM.icon.classList.add('revealIn'); }, animationTimes[2]); } var counter = 150; if (settings.buttons.length > 0 && $DOM.buttons) { setTimeout(function () { forEach($DOM.buttons.childNodes, function (element, index) { setTimeout(function () { element.classList.add('revealIn'); }, counter); counter = counter + 150; }); }, settings.inputs.length > 0 ? 150 : 0); } if (settings.inputs.length > 0 && $DOM.inputs) { counter = 150; forEach($DOM.inputs.childNodes, function (element, index) { setTimeout(function () { element.classList.add('revealIn'); }, counter); counter = counter + 150; }); } } })(); settings.onOpening.apply(null, [settings, $DOM.toast]); try { var event = new CustomEvent(PLUGIN_NAME + '-opening', {detail: settings, bubbles: true, cancelable: true}); document.dispatchEvent(event); } catch (ex) { console.warn(ex); } setTimeout(function () { $DOM.toast.classList.remove(PLUGIN_NAME + '-opening'); $DOM.toast.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-opened'); try { var event = new CustomEvent(PLUGIN_NAME + '-opened', { detail: settings, bubbles: true, cancelable: true }); document.dispatchEvent(event); } catch (ex) { console.warn(ex); } settings.onOpened.apply(null, [settings, $DOM.toast]); }, 1000); if (settings.drag) { if (ACCEPTSTOUCH) { $DOM.toast.addEventListener('touchstart', function (e) { drag.startMoving(this, that, settings, e); }, false); $DOM.toast.addEventListener('touchend', function (e) { drag.stopMoving(this, e); }, false); } else { $DOM.toast.addEventListener('mousedown', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); drag.startMoving(this, that, settings, e); }, false); $DOM.toast.addEventListener('mouseup', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); drag.stopMoving(this, e); }, false); } } if (settings.closeOnEscape) { document.addEventListener('keyup', function (evt) { evt = evt || window.event; if (evt.keyCode == 27) { that.hide(settings, $DOM.toast, 'esc'); } }); } if (settings.closeOnClick) { $DOM.toast.addEventListener('click', function (evt) { that.hide(settings, $DOM.toast, 'toast'); }); } // 播放声音 if ( { that.playSound(; } that.toast = $DOM.toast; }; // 控制进度条 $iziToast.progress = function (options, $toast, callback) { var that = this, ref = $toast.getAttribute('data-iziToast-ref'), settings = extend(this.children[ref], options || {}), $elem = $toast.querySelector('.' + PLUGIN_NAME + '-progressbar div'); return { start: function () { if (typeof settings.time.REMAINING == 'undefined') { $toast.classList.remove(PLUGIN_NAME + '-reseted'); if ($elem !== null) { $ = 'width ' + settings.timeout + 'ms ' + settings.progressBarEasing; $ = '0%'; } settings.time.START = new Date().getTime(); settings.time.END = settings.time.START + settings.timeout; settings.time.TIMER = setTimeout(function () { clearTimeout(settings.time.TIMER); if (!$toast.classList.contains(PLUGIN_NAME + '-closing')) { that.hide(settings, $toast, 'timeout'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback.apply(that); } } }, settings.timeout); that.setSetting(ref, 'time', settings.time); } }, pause: function () { if (typeof settings.time.START !== 'undefined' && !$toast.classList.contains(PLUGIN_NAME + '-paused') && !$toast.classList.contains(PLUGIN_NAME + '-reseted')) { $toast.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-paused'); settings.time.REMAINING = settings.time.END - new Date().getTime(); clearTimeout(settings.time.TIMER); that.setSetting(ref, 'time', settings.time); if ($elem !== null) { var computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle($elem), propertyWidth = computedStyle.getPropertyValue('width'); $ = 'none'; $ = propertyWidth; } if (typeof callback === 'function') { setTimeout(function () { callback.apply(that); }, 10); } } }, resume: function () { if (typeof settings.time.REMAINING !== 'undefined') { $toast.classList.remove(PLUGIN_NAME + '-paused'); if ($elem !== null) { $ = 'width ' + settings.time.REMAINING + 'ms ' + settings.progressBarEasing; $ = '0%'; } settings.time.END = new Date().getTime() + settings.time.REMAINING; settings.time.TIMER = setTimeout(function () { clearTimeout(settings.time.TIMER); if (!$toast.classList.contains(PLUGIN_NAME + '-closing')) { that.hide(settings, $toast, 'timeout'); if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback.apply(that); } } }, settings.time.REMAINING); that.setSetting(ref, 'time', settings.time); } else { this.start(); } }, reset: function () { clearTimeout(settings.time.TIMER); delete settings.time.REMAINING; that.setSetting(ref, 'time', settings.time); $toast.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-reseted'); $toast.classList.remove(PLUGIN_NAME + '-paused'); if ($elem !== null) { $ = 'none'; $ = '100%'; } if (typeof callback === 'function') { setTimeout(function () { callback.apply(that); }, 10); } } }; }; // 判断是否是ie9以下版本 var isIE9_ = function () { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent; if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") >= 1) { var reIE = new RegExp("MSIE (\\d+\\.\\d+);"); reIE.test(userAgent); var fIEVersion = parseFloat(RegExp["$1"]); if (fIEVersion != 10) { return true; } } return false; }; // 给Element添加remove方法 if (!('remove' in Element.prototype)) { Element.prototype.remove = function () { if (this.parentNode) { this.parentNode.removeChild(this); } }; } // 自定义事件 if (typeof window.CustomEvent !== 'function') { var CustomEventPolyfill = function (event, params) { params = params || {bubbles: false, cancelable: false, detail: undefined}; var evt = document.createEvent('CustomEvent'); evt.initCustomEvent(event, params.bubbles, params.cancelable, params.detail); return evt; }; CustomEventPolyfill.prototype = window.Event.prototype; window.CustomEvent = CustomEventPolyfill; } // 遍历数据 var forEach = function (collection, callback, scope) { if ( === '[object Object]') { for (var prop in collection) { if (, prop)) {, collection[prop], prop, collection); } } } else { if (collection) { for (var i = 0, len = collection.length; i < len; i++) {, collection[i], i, collection); } } } }; // 合并自定义参数和默认参数 var extend = function (defaults, options) { var extended = {}; forEach(defaults, function (value, prop) { extended[prop] = defaults[prop]; }); forEach(options, function (value, prop) { extended[prop] = options[prop]; }); return extended; }; // 创建新的文档片段 var createFragElem = function (htmlStr) { var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(), temp = document.createElement('div'); temp.innerHTML = htmlStr; while (temp.firstChild) { frag.appendChild(temp.firstChild); } return frag; }; // 生成ID var generateId = function (params) { var newId = btoa(encodeURIComponent(params)); return newId.replace(/=/g, ""); }; // 判断是否是颜色字符串 var isColor = function (color) { if (color.substring(0, 1) == '#' || color.substring(0, 3) == 'rgb' || color.substring(0, 3) == 'hsl') { return true; } else { return false; } }; // 判断是否是base64字符串 var isBase64 = function (str) { try { return btoa(atob(str)) == str; } catch (err) { return false; } }; // 拖拽方法 var drag = function () { return { move: function (toast, instance, settings, xpos) { var opacity, opacityRange = 0.3, distance = 180; if (xpos !== 0) { toast.classList.add(PLUGIN_NAME + '-dragged'); = 'translateX(' + xpos + 'px)'; if (xpos > 0) { opacity = (distance - xpos) / distance; if (opacity < opacityRange) { instance.hide(extend(settings, { transitionOut: 'fadeOutRight', transitionOutMobile: 'fadeOutRight' }), toast, 'drag'); } } else { opacity = (distance + xpos) / distance; if (opacity < opacityRange) { instance.hide(extend(settings, { transitionOut: 'fadeOutLeft', transitionOutMobile: 'fadeOutLeft' }), toast, 'drag'); } } = opacity; if (opacity < opacityRange) { if (ISCHROME || ISFIREFOX) = xpos + 'px'; = opacityRange; this.stopMoving(toast, null); } } }, startMoving: function (toast, instance, settings, e) { e = e || window.event; var posX = ((ACCEPTSTOUCH) ? e.touches[0].clientX : e.clientX), toastLeft ='px)', ''); toastLeft = toastLeft.replace('translateX(', ''); var offsetX = posX - toastLeft; if (settings.transitionIn) { toast.classList.remove(settings.transitionIn); } if (settings.transitionInMobile) { toast.classList.remove(settings.transitionInMobile); } = ''; if (ACCEPTSTOUCH) { document.ontouchmove = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e = e || window.event; var posX = e.touches[0].clientX, finalX = posX - offsetX; drag.move(toast, instance, settings, finalX); }; } else { document.onmousemove = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e = e || window.event; var posX = e.clientX, finalX = posX - offsetX; drag.move(toast, instance, settings, finalX); }; } }, stopMoving: function (toast, e) { if (ACCEPTSTOUCH) { document.ontouchmove = function () { }; } else { document.onmousemove = function () { }; } = ''; = ''; if (toast.classList.contains(PLUGIN_NAME + '-dragged')) { toast.classList.remove(PLUGIN_NAME + '-dragged'); = 'transform 0.4s ease, opacity 0.4s ease'; setTimeout(function () { = ''; }, 400); } } }; }(); // 兼容IE var Base64 = { _keyStr: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", encode: function (e) { var t = ""; var n, r, i, s, o, u, a; var f = 0; e = Base64._utf8_encode(e); while (f < e.length) { n = e.charCodeAt(f++); r = e.charCodeAt(f++); i = e.charCodeAt(f++); s = n >> 2; o = (n & 3) << 4 | r >> 4; u = (r & 15) << 2 | i >> 6; a = i & 63; if (isNaN(r)) { u = a = 64 } else if (isNaN(i)) { a = 64 } t = t + this._keyStr.charAt(s) + this._keyStr.charAt(o) + this._keyStr.charAt(u) + this._keyStr.charAt(a) } return t }, decode: function (e) { var t = ""; var n, r, i; var s, o, u, a; var f = 0; e = e.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9+/=]/g, ""); while (f < e.length) { s = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); o = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); u = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); a = this._keyStr.indexOf(e.charAt(f++)); n = s << 2 | o >> 4; r = (o & 15) << 4 | u >> 2; i = (u & 3) << 6 | a; t = t + String.fromCharCode(n); if (u != 64) { t = t + String.fromCharCode(r) } if (a != 64) { t = t + String.fromCharCode(i) } } t = Base64._utf8_decode(t); return t }, _utf8_encode: function (e) { e = e.replace(/rn/g, "n"); var t = ""; for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e.charCodeAt(n); if (r < 128) { t += String.fromCharCode(r) } else if (r > 127 && r < 2048) { t += String.fromCharCode(r >> 6 | 192); t += String.fromCharCode(r & 63 | 128) } else { t += String.fromCharCode(r >> 12 | 224); t += String.fromCharCode(r >> 6 & 63 | 128); t += String.fromCharCode(r & 63 | 128) } } return t }, _utf8_decode: function (e) { var t = ""; var n = 0; var r = c1 = c2 = 0; while (n < e.length) { r = e.charCodeAt(n); if (r < 128) { t += String.fromCharCode(r); n++ } else if (r > 191 && r < 224) { c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 31) << 6 | c2 & 63); n += 2 } else { c2 = e.charCodeAt(n + 1); c3 = e.charCodeAt(n + 2); t += String.fromCharCode((r & 15) << 12 | (c2 & 63) << 6 | c3 & 63); n += 3 } } return t } }; if (isIE9_()) { // 兼容btoa和atob方法 window.btoa = function (str) { return Base64.encode(str); }; window.atob = function (str) { return Base64.decode(str); }; // 兼容classList属性 if (!("classList" in document.documentElement)) { Object.defineProperty(window.Element.prototype, 'classList', { get: function () { var self = this; function update(fn) { return function () { var className = self.className.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ''), valArr = arguments; return fn(className, valArr) } } function add_rmv(className, valArr, tag) { for (var i in valArr) { if (typeof valArr[i] !== 'string' || !!~valArr[i].search(/\s+/g)) throw TypeError('the type of value is error') var temp = valArr[i] var flag = !! RegExp('(\\s+)?' + temp + '(\\s+)?')) if (tag === 1) { !flag ? className += ' ' + temp : '' } else if (tag === 2) { flag ? className = className.replace(new RegExp('(\\s+)?' + temp), '') : '' } } self.className = className; return tag; } return { add: update(function (className, valArr) { add_rmv(className, valArr, 1) }), remove: update(function (className, valArr) { add_rmv(className, valArr, 2) }), toggle: function (value) { if (typeof value !== 'string' || arguments.length === 0) throw TypeError("Failed to execute 'toggle' on 'DOMTokenList': 1 argument(string) required, but only 0 present.") if (arguments.length === 1) { this.contains(value) ? this.remove(value) : this.add(value) return } !arguments[1] ? this.remove(value) : this.add(value) }, contains: update(function (className, valArr) { if (valArr.length === 0) throw TypeError("Failed to execute 'contains' on 'DOMTokenList': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.") if (typeof valArr[0] !== 'string' || !!~valArr[0].search(/\s+/g)) return false return !! RegExp(valArr[0])) }), item: function (index) { typeof index === 'string' ? index = parseInt(index) : '' if (arguments.length === 0 || typeof index !== 'number') throw TypeError("Failed to execute 'toggle' on 'DOMTokenList': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.") var claArr = self.className.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/, '').split(/\s+/) var len = claArr.length if (index < 0 || index >= len) return null return claArr[index] } } } }); } } // 播放声音 $iziToast.playSound = function (src) { if (!(src.indexOf('http') == 0)) { src = layui.cache.base + 'notice/' + src + '.wav'; } if (!!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window) { // IE var embed = document.noticePlay; if (embed) { embed.remove(); } embed = document.createElement('embed'); embed.setAttribute('name', 'noticePlay'); embed.setAttribute('src', src); embed.setAttribute('autostart', true); embed.setAttribute('loop', false); embed.setAttribute('hidden', true); document.body.appendChild(embed); embed = document.noticePlay; embed.volume = 100; } else { // 非IE var audio = document.createElement('audio'); audio.setAttribute('hidden', true); audio.setAttribute('src', src); document.body.appendChild(audio); audio.addEventListener('ended', function () { audio.parentNode.removeChild(audio); }, false);; } }; // 不同主题的通知 forEach(THEMES, function (theme, name) { $iziToast[name] = function (options) { var settings = extend(CONFIG, options || {}); settings = extend(theme, settings || {});; }; }); + 'notice/notice.css'); // 加载css exports('notice', $iziToast); });