EasyModbus Implements a ModbusClient. Constructor which determines the Master ip-address and the Master Port. IP-Address of the Master device Listening port of the Master device (should be 502) Constructor which determines the Serial-Port Serial-Port Name e.G. "COM1" Parameterless constructor Establish connection to Master device in case of Modbus TCP. Opens COM-Port in case of Modbus RTU Establish connection to Master device in case of Modbus TCP. Converts two ModbusRegisters to Float - Example: EasyModbus.ModbusClient.ConvertRegistersToFloat(modbusClient.ReadHoldingRegisters(19,2)) Two Register values received from Modbus Connected float value Converts two ModbusRegisters to Float, Registers can by swapped Two Register values received from Modbus Desired Word Order (Low Register first or High Register first Connected float value Converts two ModbusRegisters to 32 Bit Integer value Two Register values received from Modbus Connected 32 Bit Integer value Converts two ModbusRegisters to 32 Bit Integer Value - Registers can be swapped Two Register values received from Modbus Desired Word Order (Low Register first or High Register first Connecteds 32 Bit Integer value Convert four 16 Bit Registers to 64 Bit Integer value Register Order "LowHigh": Reg0: Low Word.....Reg3: High Word, "HighLow": Reg0: High Word.....Reg3: Low Word four Register values received from Modbus 64 bit value Convert four 16 Bit Registers to 64 Bit Integer value - Registers can be swapped four Register values received from Modbus Desired Word Order (Low Register first or High Register first Connected 64 Bit Integer value Convert four 16 Bit Registers to 64 Bit double prec. value Register Order "LowHigh": Reg0: Low Word.....Reg3: High Word, "HighLow": Reg0: High Word.....Reg3: Low Word four Register values received from Modbus 64 bit value Convert four 16 Bit Registers to 64 Bit double prec. value - Registers can be swapped four Register values received from Modbus Desired Word Order (Low Register first or High Register first Connected double prec. float value Converts float to two ModbusRegisters - Example: modbusClient.WriteMultipleRegisters(24, EasyModbus.ModbusClient.ConvertFloatToTwoRegisters((float)1.22)); Float value which has to be converted into two registers Register values Converts float to two ModbusRegisters Registers - Registers can be swapped Float value which has to be converted into two registers Desired Word Order (Low Register first or High Register first Register values Converts 32 Bit Value to two ModbusRegisters Int value which has to be converted into two registers Register values Converts 32 Bit Value to two ModbusRegisters Registers - Registers can be swapped Double value which has to be converted into two registers Desired Word Order (Low Register first or High Register first Register values Converts 64 Bit Value to four ModbusRegisters long value which has to be converted into four registers Register values Converts 64 Bit Value to four ModbusRegisters - Registers can be swapped long value which has to be converted into four registers Desired Word Order (Low Register first or High Register first Register values Converts 64 Bit double prec Value to four ModbusRegisters double value which has to be converted into four registers Register values Converts 64 Bit double prec. Value to four ModbusRegisters - Registers can be swapped double value which has to be converted into four registers Desired Word Order (Low Register first or High Register first Register values Converts 16 - Bit Register values to String Register array received via Modbus First Register containing the String to convert number of characters in String (must be even) Converted String Converts a String to 16 - Bit Registers Register array received via Modbus Converted String Calculates the CRC16 for Modbus-RTU Byte buffer to send Number of bytes to calculate CRC First byte in buffer to start calculating CRC Read Discrete Inputs from Server device (FC2). First discrete input to read Number of discrete Inputs to read Boolean Array which contains the discrete Inputs Read Coils from Server device (FC1). First coil to read Numer of coils to read Boolean Array which contains the coils Read Holding Registers from Master device (FC3). First holding register to be read Number of holding registers to be read Int Array which contains the holding registers Read Input Registers from Master device (FC4). First input register to be read Number of input registers to be read Int Array which contains the input registers Write single Coil to Master device (FC5). Coil to be written Coil Value to be written Write single Register to Master device (FC6). Register to be written Register Value to be written Write multiple coils to Master device (FC15). First coil to be written Coil Values to be written Write multiple registers to Master device (FC16). First register to be written register Values to be written Read/Write Multiple Registers (FC23). First input register to read Number of input registers to read First input register to write Values to write Int Array which contains the Holding registers Close connection to Master Device. Destructor - Close connection to Master Device. Returns "TRUE" if Client is connected to Server and "FALSE" if not. In case of Modbus RTU returns if COM-Port is opened Gets or Sets the IP-Address of the Server. Gets or Sets the Port were the Modbus-TCP Server is reachable (Standard is 502). Gets or Sets the UDP-Flag to activate Modbus UDP. Gets or Sets the Unit identifier in case of serial connection (Default = 0) Gets or Sets the Baudrate for serial connection (Default = 9600) Gets or Sets the of Parity in case of serial connection Gets or Sets the number of stopbits in case of serial connection Gets or Sets the connection Timeout in case of ModbusTCP connection Gets or Sets the serial Port Gets or Sets the Filename for the LogFile Exception to be thrown if serial port is not opened Exception to be thrown if Connection to Modbus device failed Exception to be thrown if Modbus Server returns error code "Function code not supported" Exception to be thrown if Modbus Server returns error code "quantity invalid" Exception to be thrown if Modbus Server returns error code "starting adddress and quantity invalid" Exception to be thrown if Modbus Server returns error code "Function Code not executed (0x04)" Exception to be thrown if CRC Check failed Modbus Protocol informations. When making a server TCP listen socket, will listen to this IP address. Listen to all network interfaces. TCP port to listen Listen to a specific network interface. IP address of network interface to listen TCP port to listen Modbus TCP Server. When creating a TCP or UDP socket, the local IP address to attach to. Gets or Sets the Filename for the LogFile Store Log-Data in a File Private constructor; Ensures the access of the class only via "instance" Returns the instance of the class (singleton) instance (Singleton) Store message in Log-File Message to append to the Log-File Store message in Log-File including Timestamp Message to append to the Log-File Timestamp to add to the same Row Gets or Sets the Filename to Store Strings in a File