Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
| | |
| | | @Excel(name = "ç±»å") |
| | | private String type; |
| | | |
| | | private String[] dateConditions; |
| | | |
| | | private String startTime; |
| | | |
| | | private String endTime; |
| | | |
| | | public String[] getDateConditions() { |
| | | return dateConditions; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | public void setDateConditions(String[] dateConditions) { |
| | | this.dateConditions = dateConditions; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | public String getStartTime() {return startTime;} |
| | | |
| | | public void setStartTime(String startTime) { |
| | | this.startTime = startTime; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | public String getEndTime() { |
| | | return endTime; |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | public void setEndTime(String endTime) { |
| | | this.endTime = endTime; |
| | | } |
| | | public void setId(Long id) |
| | | { |
| | | = id; |
| | |
| | | import com.jcdm.main.da.paramCollection.domain.DaParamCollection; |
| | | import com.jcdm.main.da.paramCollection.mapper.DaParamCollectionMapper; |
| | | import com.jcdm.main.da.paramCollection.service.IDaParamCollectionService; |
| | | import; |
| | | import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; |
| | | import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; |
| | | |
| | |
| | | { |
| | | @Autowired |
| | | private DaParamCollectionMapper daParamCollectionMapper; |
| | | |
| | | @Autowired |
| | | private IDaParamCollectionService daParamCollectionService; |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * æ¥è¯¢è®¾å¤äº§åè¿ç¨åæ°éé |
| | |
| | | @Override |
| | | public List<DaParamCollection> selectDaParamCollectionList(DaParamCollection daParamCollection) |
| | | { |
| | | if(daParamCollection.getDateConditions()!=null){ |
| | | String[] conditions = daParamCollection.getDateConditions(); |
| | | daParamCollection.setStartTime(conditions[0]); |
| | | daParamCollection.setEndTime(conditions[1]); |
| | | } |
| | | return daParamCollectionMapper.selectDaParamCollectionList(daParamCollection); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | |
| | | return getDataTable(list); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * æ¥è¯¢äº§åè¿ç«ééå表 |
| | | */ |
| | | @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermi('da:passingStationCollection:list')") |
| | | @GetMapping("/noPageList") |
| | | public TableDataInfo noPageList(DaPassingStationCollection daPassingStationCollection) |
| | | { |
| | | List<DaPassingStationCollection> list = daPassingStationCollectionService.selectDaPassingStationCollectionList(daPassingStationCollection); |
| | | return getDataTable(list); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermi('da:passingStationCollection:list')") |
| | | @GetMapping("/getProduceNumToday") |
| | | public R getProduceNumToday(String fieldName) |
| | |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * ä¸å页æ¥è¯¢è¿ä¿®è®°å½å表 |
| | | */ |
| | | @GetMapping("/noPagelist") |
| | | public TableDataInfo noPagelist(RmRepairRecord rmRepairRecord) |
| | | { |
| | | List<RmRepairRecord> list = rmRepairRecordService.selectRmRepairRecordList(rmRepairRecord); |
| | | return getDataTable(list); |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | /** |
| | | * 导åºè¿ä¿®è®°å½å表 |
| | | */ |
| | | @PreAuthorize("@ss.hasPermi('rm:repairRecord:export')") |
| | |
| | | <if test="locationCode != null and locationCode != ''"> and location_code = #{locationCode}</if> |
| | | <if test="equipmentNo != null and equipmentNo != ''"> and equipment_no = #{equipmentNo}</if> |
| | | <if test="paramCode != null and paramCode != ''"> and param_code = #{paramCode}</if> |
| | | <if test="dateConditions != null and dateConditions != ''"> and collection_time BETWEEN #{startTime} AND #{endTime}</if> |
| | | </where> |
| | | </select> |
| | | |
| | |
| | | }) |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // ä¸å页æ¥è¯¢äº§åè¿ç«ééå表 |
| | | export function noPageList(query) { |
| | | return request({ |
| | | url: '/da/passingStationCollection/noPageList', |
| | | method: 'get', |
| | | params: query |
| | | }) |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // è·åé¦é¡µåæ¥ç´¯è®¡é产æ°æ® |
| | | export function getProduceNumToday(query) { |
| | | return request({ |
| | |
| | | }) |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // æ¥è¯¢è¿ä¿®è®°å½è¯¦ç» |
| | | // æ¥è¯¢è¿ä¿®è®°å½å表 |
| | | export function noPagelist(query) { |
| | | return request({ |
| | | url: '/rm/repairRecord/noPagelist', |
| | | method: 'get', |
| | | params: query |
| | | }) |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | // ä¸å页æ¥è¯¢è¿ä¿®è®°å½è¯¦ç» |
| | | export function getRepairRecord(id) { |
| | | return request({ |
| | | url: '/rm/repairRecord/' + id, |
| | |
| | | <template> |
| | | <div class="app-container"> |
| | | <div style="height: 100%;width: 100%"> |
| | | <el-card class="box-card" > |
| | | <el-form :model="queryParams.orderNo" ref="queryForm" :inline="true" label-width="68px" > |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="120" label="å·¥åç¼å·:" prop="orderNo"> |
| | | <el-form :model="queryParams.orderNo" ref="queryForm" :inline="true" > |
| | | <el-form-item label="å·¥åç¼å·:" prop="orderNo" > |
| | | <el-input |
| | | style="width: 160px" |
| | | v-model="queryParams.orderNo" |
| | | placeholder="请è¾å
¥å·¥åç¼å·" |
| | | clearable |
| | | @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery" |
| | | /> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item style="margin-left: 20px"> |
| | | <el-form-item style="margin-left: 1%"> |
| | | <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-refresh" @click="handleQuery">æ¥è¯¢</el-button> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item style="margin-left: 360px"> |
| | | <el-form-item style="margin-left: 5%"> |
| | | <el-checkbox-group v-model="queryParams.isRepairFlag"> |
| | | <el-checkbox @change="cleanFlag" name="type"></el-checkbox> |
| | | </el-checkbox-group> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="120" label="è¿ä¿®åå¨æºå·:" prop="repairEngineNo" style="margin-left: 5px"> |
| | | <el-form-item label="è¿ä¿®åå¨æºå·:" prop="repairEngineNo" > |
| | | |
| | | <el-input |
| | | style="width: 160px" |
| | | :disabled="!queryParams.isRepairFlag" |
| | | v-model="queryParams.repairEngineNo" |
| | | clearable |
| | |
| | | <el-row :gutter="0"> |
| | | <el-col :span="20"> |
| | | <div style="height: 490px;"> |
| | | <el-card style="margin-top: 10px; height: 490px; " class="box-card"> |
| | | <el-card style="margin-top: 10px; height: 490px; width: 100%" class="box-card"> |
| | | <el-table border v-loading="loading" :data="dataList" height="460" |
| | | style="width: 100%" v-if="dataList.length > 0"> |
| | | |
| | | <el-table-column :show-overflow-tooltip='true' label="å·¥åç¼å·" width="230" align="center" prop="orderNo"> |
| | | <el-table-column :show-overflow-tooltip='true' label="å·¥åç¼å·" align="center" prop="orderNo"> |
| | | </el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column :show-overflow-tooltip='true' label="产åå°ç³»å" width="230" align="center" prop="model"> |
| | | <el-table-column :show-overflow-tooltip='true' label="产åå°ç³»å" align="center" prop="model"> |
| | | </el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column :show-overflow-tooltip='true' label="SNæµæ°´å·" width="230" align="center" prop="engineNo"> |
| | | <el-table-column :show-overflow-tooltip='true' label="SNæµæ°´å·" align="center" prop="engineNo"> |
| | | </el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ç¶æ" width="80" align="center" prop="productionStatus"> |
| | | <!-- <template slot-scope="scope">--> |
| | |
| | | |
| | | </el-col> |
| | | <el-col :span="4"> |
| | | |
| | | <el-card style="margin-top: 10px; min-height: 490px" class="box-card"> |
| | | <div style="min-width: 180px;min-height: 185px"> |
| | | <div > |
| | | <el-row class="centerImg" style="min-width: 80%;min-height: 90%"> |
| | | <vue-qr |
| | | v-if="qrCode !==''" |
| | | ref="qrCode" |
| | | :text="qrCode" |
| | | width="180" |
| | | height="180" |
| | | width="100%" |
| | | height="100%" |
| | | ></vue-qr> |
| | | </div> |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | <el-row class="centerImg"> |
| | | <el-button type="success" style="margin-top: 80%; width: 100%">ç³»ç»è®¾ç½®</el-button> |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | |
| | | <el-button type="success" style="margin-top: 190px; margin-left: 50px; width: 100px">ç³»ç»è®¾ç½®</el-button> |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | </div> |
| | | </el-card> |
| | | </el-col> |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | </div> |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | </div> |
| | |
| | | ::v-deep .el-card__body{ |
| | | padding: 15px 20px 0px 20px; |
| | | } |
| | | ::v-deep .el-input .el-input--medium .el-input--suffix{ |
| | | width: 200px; |
| | | } |
| | | .centerImg{ |
| | | display: flex; |
| | | justify-content: center; |
| | | align-items: center; |
| | | } |
| | | </style> |
| | |
| | | <el-row> |
| | | <el-col :span="20"> |
| | | <el-card style="margin-top: 10px; height: 490px;" class="box-card"> |
| | | <el-table border ref="multipleTable" :data="passingStationCollectionList" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
| | | <el-tabs v-model="activeName" @tab-click="handleClick"> |
| | | <el-tab-pane label="è¿ç«éé" name="first"> |
| | | <el-table max-height="410px" border ref="multipleTable" :data="passingStationCollectionList" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange"> |
| | | <el-table-column type="selection" width="55" align="center" /> |
| | | <el-table-column label="å·¥åç¼å·" width="120" align="center" prop="workOrderNo"> |
| | | </el-table-column> |
| | |
| | | </el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="å·¥ä½ç¼å·" align="center" prop="locationCode"> |
| | | </el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="å
¥ç«æ¶é´" align="center" prop="inboundTime" width="100"> |
| | | <el-table-column label="å
¥ç«æ¶é´" align="center" prop="inboundTime" width="160"> |
| | | <template slot-scope="scope"> |
| | | <span>{{ parseTime(scope.row.inboundTime, '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}') }}</span> |
| | | </template> |
| | | </el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åºç«æ¶é´" align="center" prop="outboundTime" width="100"> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åºç«æ¶é´" align="center" prop="outboundTime" width="160"> |
| | | <template slot-scope="scope"> |
| | | <span>{{ parseTime(scope.row.outboundTime, '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}') }}</span> |
| | | </template> |
| | |
| | | </el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="NGåå " align="center" prop="outMsgSign"> |
| | | </el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ééæ¶é´" align="center" prop="collectionTime" width="180"> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ééæ¶é´" align="center" prop="collectionTime" width="160"> |
| | | <template slot-scope="scope"> |
| | | <span>{{ parseTime(scope.row.collectionTime, '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}') }}</span> |
| | | </template> |
| | |
| | | <el-table-column label="èææ¶é´" align="center" prop="beatTime"> |
| | | </el-table-column> |
| | | </el-table> |
| | | </el-card> |
| | | </el-col> |
| | | <el-col :span="4"> |
| | | <el-card style="margin-top: 10px; min-height: 490px"> |
| | | <el-row class="centered-row"> |
| | | <el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-s-grid" @click="selectAll" >éæ©ææ</el-button> |
| | | |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | <el-row class="centered-row"> |
| | | <el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-close" @click="clearAll">åæ¶éæ©</el-button> |
| | | |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | <el-row class="centered-row"> |
| | | <el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-document-remove" @click="selectUnqualified">éæ©ä¸åæ ¼</el-button> |
| | | |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | <el-row class="centered-row"> |
| | | <el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-s-flag" @click="markComplete">æ è®°å®æ</el-button> |
| | | |
| | | </el-row> <el-row class="centered-row"> |
| | | <el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-files" @click="repairRecord">è¿ä¿®è®°å½</el-button> |
| | | |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | <el-row class="centered-row"> |
| | | <el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-date" @click="operationLog" >æä½æ¥å¿</el-button> |
| | | |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | <!-- <el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-close" @click="clearAll">åæ¶éæ©</el-button>--> |
| | | <!-- <el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-document-remove" @click="selectUnqualified">éæ©ä¸åæ ¼</el-button>--> |
| | | <!-- <el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-s-flag" @click="markComplete">æ è®°å®æ</el-button>--> |
| | | <!-- <el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-files" @click="repairRecord">è¿ä¿®è®°å½</el-button>--> |
| | | <!-- <el-button type="success" icon="el-icon-date" @click="operationLog" >æä½æ¥å¿</el-button>--> |
| | | </el-card> |
| | | </el-col> |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | |
| | | <el-dialog v-dialogpop-up :visible.sync="open" width="700px" append-to-body> |
| | | <span slot="title"> |
| | | <i class="el-icon-s-order"></i> |
| | | è¿ä¿®è¿åº¦ |
| | | </span> |
| | | <el-table border :data="repairRecordList"> |
| | | </el-tab-pane> |
| | | <el-tab-pane label="è¿ä¿®è®°å½" name="second"> |
| | | <el-table max-height="410px" border :data="repairRecordList"> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åå¨æºå·" width="150" align="center" prop="boxCode" /> |
| | | <el-table-column label="å·¥ä½å·" align="center" prop="processesCode" /> |
| | | <el-table-column label="è¿ä¿®ç»æ" align="center" prop="repairResults" /> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åç»æ" align="center" prop="originalResult" /> |
| | | <el-table-column label="è¿ä¿®æ¶é´" align="center" width="160" prop="repairTime" /> |
| | | </el-table> |
| | | <div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer"> |
| | | <el-button @click="cancel">å æ¶</el-button> |
| | | </div> |
| | | </el-dialog> |
| | | </el-tab-pane> |
| | | </el-tabs> |
| | | |
| | | </el-card> |
| | | </el-col> |
| | | <el-col :span="4"> |
| | | <el-card style="margin-top: 10px; min-height: 490px"> |
| | | <el-row class="centered-row"> |
| | | <el-button type="success" style="margin-top: 10px;width:120px;height:40px" icon="el-icon-s-grid" @click="selectAll" >é æ© æ æ</el-button> |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | <el-row class="centered-row"> |
| | | <el-button type="success" style="margin-top: 10px;width:120px;height:40px" icon="el-icon-close" @click="clearAll">å æ¶ é æ©</el-button> |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | <el-row class="centered-row"> |
| | | <el-button type="success" style="margin-top: 10px;width:120px;height:40px" icon="el-icon-document-remove" @click="selectUnqualified">éæ©ä¸åæ ¼</el-button> |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | <el-row class="centered-row"> |
| | | <el-button type="success" style="margin-top: 10px;width:120px;height:40px" icon="el-icon-s-flag" @click="markComplete">æ è®° å® æ</el-button> |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | <el-row class="centered-row"> |
| | | <el-button type="success" style="margin-top: 10px;width:120px;height:40px" icon="el-icon-files" @click="repairRecord">è¿ ä¿® è®° å½</el-button> |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | <el-row class="centered-row"> |
| | | <el-button type="success" style="margin-top: 10px;width:120px;height:40px" icon="el-icon-date" @click="operationLog" >æ ä½ æ¥ å¿</el-button> |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | </el-card> |
| | | </el-col> |
| | | </el-row> |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | </div> |
| | |
| | | |
| | | <script> |
| | | import { |
| | | listPassingStationCollection, |
| | | noPageList, |
| | | insertRepairRecordByIds |
| | | } from "@/api/main/da/passingStationCollection/passingStationCollection"; |
| | | import {listRepairRecord} from "@/api/main/rm/repairRecord/repairRecord"; |
| | | import {noPagelist} from "@/api/main/rm/repairRecord/repairRecord"; |
| | | export default { |
| | | name: "index", |
| | | dicts: ['sys_normal_disable'], |
| | | data(){ |
| | | return{ |
| | | activeName: 'first', |
| | | |
| | | // è¿ä¿®è®°å½è¡¨æ ¼æ°æ® |
| | | repairRecordList: [], |
| | | // æ¯å¦æ¾ç¤ºå¼¹åºå± |
| | |
| | | outRsSign: '', |
| | | }, |
| | | ids: [], |
| | | allSelected: false |
| | | allSelected: false, |
| | | boxCode: '', |
| | | |
| | | } |
| | | }, |
| | | mounted() { |
| | | this.getList() |
| | | // this.getList() |
| | | }, |
| | | methods:{ |
| | | // åæ¶æé® |
| | |
| | | this.multiple = !selection.length |
| | | }, |
| | | repairProgressHandleQuery(){ |
| | | = true; |
| | | if(this.queryParams.engineNo === ''||this.queryParams.engineNo=== null){ |
| | | this.$modal.msgSuccess('请è¾å
¥åå¨æºå·'); |
| | | }else { |
| | | this.activeName = 'second' |
| | | }, |
| | | initRepairRecord(){ |
| | | /** æ¥è¯¢è¿ä¿®è®°å½å表 */ |
| | | let queryParams = { |
| | | boxCode: this.queryParams.engineNo |
| | | boxCode: this.queryParams.sfcCode |
| | | } |
| | | listRepairRecord(queryParams).then(response => { |
| | | noPagelist(queryParams).then(response => { |
| | | this.repairRecordList = response.rows; |
| | | }); |
| | | } |
| | | }, |
| | | /** æç´¢æé®æä½ */ |
| | | handleQuery() { |
| | | this.getList(); |
| | | this.initRepairRecord(); |
| | | }, |
| | | /** æ¥è¯¢äº§åè¿ç«ééå表 */ |
| | | getList() { |
| | | listPassingStationCollection(this.queryParams).then(response => { |
| | | noPageList(this.queryParams).then(response => { |
| | | this.passingStationCollectionList = response.rows; |
| | | =; |
| | | }); |
¶Ô±ÈÐÂÎļþ |
| | |
| | | <template> |
| | | <div class="app-container"> |
| | | <el-card class="box-card" > |
| | | <el-form :model="queryParams" ref="queryForm" :inline="true" v-show="showSearch" label-width="68px" > |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="120" label="ç®±ä½ç¼ç :" prop="sfcCode"> |
| | | <el-input clearable |
| | | v-model="queryParams.sfcCode" |
| | | placeholder="请è¾å
¥ç®±ä½ç¼ç " |
| | | @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery"/> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="120" label="å·¥ä½å·:" prop="locationCode"> |
| | | <el-input clearable |
| | | v-model="queryParams.locationCode" |
| | | placeholder="请è¾å
¥å·¥ä½å·" |
| | | @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery"/> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="130" label="ä¿åæ¥æ" prop="dateConditions"> |
| | | <el-date-picker |
| | | v-model="queryParams.dateConditions" |
| | | type="datetimerange" |
| | | :picker-options="pickerOptions" |
| | | value-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
| | | range-separator="è³" |
| | | start-placeholder="å¼å§æ¥æ" |
| | | end-placeholder="ç»ææ¥æ" |
| | | align="right"> |
| | | </el-date-picker> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item style="float: right"> |
| | | <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-refresh" @click="handleQuery">æ¥è¯¢</el-button> |
| | | <el-button type="" icon="el-icon-refresh" @click="resetQuery">éç½®</el-button> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | </el-form> |
| | | </el-card> <el-card style="margin-top: 10px" class="box-card"> |
| | | <el-table v-loading="loading" border :data="cameraReportList" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange" v-if="cameraReportList.length > 0"> |
| | | <el-table-column type="selection" width="55" align="center" /> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ç®±ä½ç¼ç " align="center" width="200" prop="sfcCode"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="å·¥ä½" align="center" prop="locationCode"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åæ°ç¼ç " align="center" prop="paramCode"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åæ°å称" align="center" prop="paramName"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åæ°å¼" align="center" prop="paramValue"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ééæ¶é´" align="center" prop="collectionTime" width="180"> |
| | | <template slot-scope="scope"> |
| | | <span>{{ parseTime(scope.row.collectionTime, '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}') }}</span> |
| | | </template> |
| | | </el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ç¶æ" align="center" prop="state"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åä½" align="center" prop="unit"></el-table-column> |
| | | </el-table> |
| | | <el-empty v-else> |
| | | <span slot="description">ææ æ°æ®</span> |
| | | </el-empty> |
| | | </el-card> |
| | | |
| | | <pagination |
| | | v-show="total>0" |
| | | :total="total" |
| | | :page.sync="queryParams.pageNum" |
| | | :limit.sync="queryParams.pageSize" |
| | | @pagination="getList" |
| | | /> |
| | | |
| | | </div> |
| | | </template> |
| | | <script> |
| | | |
| | | import { listParamCollection, getParamCollection, delParamCollection, addParamCollection, updateParamCollection } from "@/api/main/da/paramCollection/paramCollection"; |
| | | |
| | | export default { |
| | | name: "camera", |
| | | computed: { |
| | | }, |
| | | dicts: ['sys_normal_disable','order_scheduling_produce_status','print_status'], |
| | | components: { |
| | | }, |
| | | data(){ |
| | | return{ |
| | | dateRange: '', |
| | | // ç¨äºåå¨éæ©çæ¥æèå´ |
| | | total: 0, |
| | | ids: [], |
| | | cameraReportList: [], |
| | | loading: true, |
| | | single: true, |
| | | // éå¤ä¸ªç¦ç¨ |
| | | multiple: true, |
| | | // æ¾ç¤ºæç´¢æ¡ä»¶ |
| | | showSearch: true, |
| | | // æ¥è¯¢åæ° |
| | | queryParams: { |
| | | pageNum: 1, |
| | | pageSize: 10, |
| | | workOrderNo: null, |
| | | sfcCode: null, |
| | | productCode: null, |
| | | productionLine: null, |
| | | locationCode: null, |
| | | equipmentNo: null, |
| | | paramCode: null, |
| | | paramValue: null, |
| | | paramUpper: null, |
| | | paramLower: null, |
| | | paramStandard: null, |
| | | collectionTime: null, |
| | | spareField1: null, |
| | | spareField2: null, |
| | | createUser: null, |
| | | createTime: null, |
| | | updateUser: null, |
| | | updateTime: null, |
| | | state: null, |
| | | paramName: null, |
| | | unit: null, |
| | | type: 'è§è§æ°æ®', |
| | | startDate: null, |
| | | endDate: null, |
| | | dateConditions: [], |
| | | }, |
| | | pickerOptions: { |
| | | shortcuts: [{ |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸å¨', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 7); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }, { |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸ä¸ªæ', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 30); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }, { |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸ä¸ªæ', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 90); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }] |
| | | }, |
| | | } |
| | | }, |
| | | created() { |
| | | this.getList(); |
| | | }, |
| | | methods: { |
| | | reset() { |
| | | this.form = { |
| | | id: null, |
| | | workOrderNo: null, |
| | | sfcCode: null, |
| | | productCode: null, |
| | | productionLine: null, |
| | | locationCode: null, |
| | | equipmentNo: null, |
| | | paramCode: null, |
| | | paramValue: null, |
| | | paramUpper: null, |
| | | paramLower: null, |
| | | paramStandard: null, |
| | | collectionTime: null, |
| | | spareField1: null, |
| | | spareField2: null, |
| | | createUser: null, |
| | | createTime: null, |
| | | updateUser: null, |
| | | updateTime: null, |
| | | state: null, |
| | | paramName: null, |
| | | unit: null, |
| | | type: 'è§è§æ°æ®', |
| | | }; |
| | | this.resetForm("form"); |
| | | }, |
| | | /** æç´¢æé®æä½ */ |
| | | handleQuery() { |
| | | this.queryParams.pageNum = 1; |
| | | this.getList(); |
| | | }, |
| | | /** éç½®æé®æä½ */ |
| | | resetQuery() { |
| | | this.resetForm("queryForm"); |
| | | this.handleQuery(); |
| | | }, |
| | | // å¤éæ¡éä¸æ°æ® |
| | | handleSelectionChange(selection) { |
| | | this.ids = => |
| | | this.single = selection.length !== 1 |
| | | this.multiple = !selection.length |
| | | }, |
| | | |
| | | getList() { |
| | | this.loading = true; |
| | | listParamCollection(this.queryParams).then(response => { |
| | | this.cameraReportList = response.rows; |
| | | =; |
| | | this.loading = false; |
| | | }); |
| | | }, |
| | | |
| | | }, |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | </script> |
| | | |
| | | <style scoped> |
| | | ::v-deep .el-form-item__label{ |
| | | font-size: large; |
| | | } |
| | | ::v-deep .el-card__body{ |
| | | padding: 15px 20px 0px 20px; |
| | | } |
| | | </style> |
¶Ô±ÈÐÂÎļþ |
| | |
| | | <template> |
| | | <div class="app-container"> |
| | | <el-card class="box-card" > |
| | | <el-form :model="queryParams" ref="queryForm" :inline="true" v-show="showSearch" label-width="68px" > |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="120" label="ç®±ä½ç¼ç :" prop="sfcCode"> |
| | | <el-input clearable |
| | | v-model="queryParams.sfcCode" |
| | | placeholder="请è¾å
¥ç®±ä½ç¼ç " |
| | | @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery"/> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="120" label="å·¥ä½å·:" prop="locationCode"> |
| | | <el-input clearable |
| | | v-model="queryParams.locationCode" |
| | | placeholder="请è¾å
¥å·¥ä½å·" |
| | | @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery"/> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="130" label="ä¿åæ¥æ" prop="dateConditions"> |
| | | <el-date-picker |
| | | v-model="queryParams.dateConditions" |
| | | type="datetimerange" |
| | | :picker-options="pickerOptions" |
| | | value-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
| | | range-separator="è³" |
| | | start-placeholder="å¼å§æ¥æ" |
| | | end-placeholder="ç»ææ¥æ" |
| | | align="right"> |
| | | </el-date-picker> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item style="float: right"> |
| | | <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-refresh" @click="handleQuery">æ¥è¯¢</el-button> |
| | | <el-button type="" icon="el-icon-refresh" @click="resetQuery">éç½®</el-button> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | </el-form> |
| | | </el-card> <el-card style="margin-top: 10px" class="box-card"> |
| | | <el-table v-loading="loading" border :data="detectionReportList" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange" v-if="detectionReportList.length > 0"> |
| | | <el-table-column type="selection" width="55" align="center" /> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ç®±ä½ç¼ç " align="center" width="200" prop="sfcCode"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="å·¥ä½" align="center" prop="locationCode"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åæ°ç¼ç " align="center" prop="paramCode"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åæ°å称" align="center" prop="paramName"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åæ°å¼" align="center" prop="paramValue"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ééæ¶é´" align="center" prop="collectionTime" width="180"> |
| | | <template slot-scope="scope"> |
| | | <span>{{ parseTime(scope.row.collectionTime, '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}') }}</span> |
| | | </template> |
| | | </el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ç¶æ" align="center" prop="state"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åä½" align="center" prop="unit"></el-table-column> |
| | | </el-table> |
| | | <el-empty v-else> |
| | | <span slot="description">ææ æ°æ®</span> |
| | | </el-empty> |
| | | </el-card> |
| | | |
| | | <pagination |
| | | v-show="total>0" |
| | | :total="total" |
| | | :page.sync="queryParams.pageNum" |
| | | :limit.sync="queryParams.pageSize" |
| | | @pagination="getList" |
| | | /> |
| | | |
| | | </div> |
| | | </template> |
| | | <script> |
| | | |
| | | import { listParamCollection, getParamCollection, delParamCollection, addParamCollection, updateParamCollection } from "@/api/main/da/paramCollection/paramCollection"; |
| | | |
| | | export default { |
| | | name: "detection", |
| | | computed: { |
| | | }, |
| | | dicts: ['sys_normal_disable','order_scheduling_produce_status','print_status'], |
| | | components: { |
| | | }, |
| | | data(){ |
| | | return{ |
| | | dateRange: '', |
| | | // ç¨äºåå¨éæ©çæ¥æèå´ |
| | | total: 0, |
| | | ids: [], |
| | | detectionReportList: [], |
| | | loading: true, |
| | | single: true, |
| | | // éå¤ä¸ªç¦ç¨ |
| | | multiple: true, |
| | | // æ¾ç¤ºæç´¢æ¡ä»¶ |
| | | showSearch: true, |
| | | // æ¥è¯¢åæ° |
| | | queryParams: { |
| | | pageNum: 1, |
| | | pageSize: 10, |
| | | workOrderNo: null, |
| | | sfcCode: null, |
| | | productCode: null, |
| | | productionLine: null, |
| | | locationCode: null, |
| | | equipmentNo: null, |
| | | paramCode: null, |
| | | paramValue: null, |
| | | paramUpper: null, |
| | | paramLower: null, |
| | | paramStandard: null, |
| | | collectionTime: null, |
| | | spareField1: null, |
| | | spareField2: null, |
| | | createUser: null, |
| | | createTime: null, |
| | | updateUser: null, |
| | | updateTime: null, |
| | | state: null, |
| | | paramName: null, |
| | | unit: null, |
| | | type: 'å¤æ¼æ£æµ', |
| | | startDate: null, |
| | | endDate: null, |
| | | dateConditions: [], |
| | | }, |
| | | pickerOptions: { |
| | | shortcuts: [{ |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸å¨', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 7); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }, { |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸ä¸ªæ', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 30); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }, { |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸ä¸ªæ', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 90); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }] |
| | | }, |
| | | } |
| | | }, |
| | | created() { |
| | | this.getList(); |
| | | }, |
| | | methods: { |
| | | reset() { |
| | | this.form = { |
| | | id: null, |
| | | workOrderNo: null, |
| | | sfcCode: null, |
| | | productCode: null, |
| | | productionLine: null, |
| | | locationCode: null, |
| | | equipmentNo: null, |
| | | paramCode: null, |
| | | paramValue: null, |
| | | paramUpper: null, |
| | | paramLower: null, |
| | | paramStandard: null, |
| | | collectionTime: null, |
| | | spareField1: null, |
| | | spareField2: null, |
| | | createUser: null, |
| | | createTime: null, |
| | | updateUser: null, |
| | | updateTime: null, |
| | | state: null, |
| | | paramName: null, |
| | | unit: null, |
| | | type: 'å¤æ¼æ£æµ', |
| | | }; |
| | | this.resetForm("form"); |
| | | }, |
| | | /** æç´¢æé®æä½ */ |
| | | handleQuery() { |
| | | this.queryParams.pageNum = 1; |
| | | this.getList(); |
| | | }, |
| | | /** éç½®æé®æä½ */ |
| | | resetQuery() { |
| | | this.resetForm("queryForm"); |
| | | this.handleQuery(); |
| | | }, |
| | | // å¤éæ¡éä¸æ°æ® |
| | | handleSelectionChange(selection) { |
| | | this.ids = => |
| | | this.single = selection.length !== 1 |
| | | this.multiple = !selection.length |
| | | }, |
| | | |
| | | getList() { |
| | | this.loading = true; |
| | | listParamCollection(this.queryParams).then(response => { |
| | | this.detectionReportList = response.rows; |
| | | =; |
| | | this.loading = false; |
| | | }); |
| | | }, |
| | | |
| | | }, |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | </script> |
| | | |
| | | <style scoped> |
| | | ::v-deep .el-form-item__label{ |
| | | font-size: large; |
| | | } |
| | | ::v-deep .el-card__body{ |
| | | padding: 15px 20px 0px 20px; |
| | | } |
| | | </style> |
¶Ô±ÈÐÂÎļþ |
| | |
| | | <template> |
| | | <div class="app-container"> |
| | | <el-card class="box-card" > |
| | | <el-form :model="queryParams" ref="queryForm" :inline="true" v-show="showSearch" label-width="68px" > |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="120" label="ç®±ä½ç¼ç :" prop="sfcCode"> |
| | | <el-input clearable |
| | | v-model="queryParams.sfcCode" |
| | | placeholder="请è¾å
¥ç®±ä½ç¼ç " |
| | | @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery"/> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="120" label="å·¥ä½å·:" prop="locationCode"> |
| | | <el-input clearable |
| | | v-model="queryParams.locationCode" |
| | | placeholder="请è¾å
¥å·¥ä½å·" |
| | | @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery"/> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="130" label="ä¿åæ¥æ" prop="dateConditions"> |
| | | <el-date-picker |
| | | v-model="queryParams.dateConditions" |
| | | type="datetimerange" |
| | | :picker-options="pickerOptions" |
| | | value-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
| | | range-separator="è³" |
| | | start-placeholder="å¼å§æ¥æ" |
| | | end-placeholder="ç»ææ¥æ" |
| | | align="right"> |
| | | </el-date-picker> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item style="float: right"> |
| | | <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-refresh" @click="handleQuery">æ¥è¯¢</el-button> |
| | | <el-button type="" icon="el-icon-refresh" @click="resetQuery">éç½®</el-button> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | </el-form> |
| | | </el-card> <el-card style="margin-top: 10px" class="box-card"> |
| | | <el-table v-loading="loading" border :data="productResultReportList" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange" v-if="productResultReportList.length > 0"> |
| | | <el-table-column type="selection" width="55" align="center" /> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ç®±ä½ç¼ç " align="center" width="200" prop="sfcCode"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="å·¥ä½" align="center" prop="locationCode"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åæ°ç¼ç " align="center" prop="paramCode"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åæ°å称" align="center" prop="paramName"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åæ°å¼" align="center" prop="paramValue"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ééæ¶é´" align="center" prop="collectionTime" width="180"> |
| | | <template slot-scope="scope"> |
| | | <span>{{ parseTime(scope.row.collectionTime, '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}') }}</span> |
| | | </template> |
| | | </el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ç¶æ" align="center" prop="state"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åä½" align="center" prop="unit"></el-table-column> |
| | | </el-table> |
| | | <el-empty v-else> |
| | | <span slot="description">ææ æ°æ®</span> |
| | | </el-empty> |
| | | </el-card> |
| | | |
| | | <pagination |
| | | v-show="total>0" |
| | | :total="total" |
| | | :page.sync="queryParams.pageNum" |
| | | :limit.sync="queryParams.pageSize" |
| | | @pagination="getList" |
| | | /> |
| | | |
| | | </div> |
| | | </template> |
| | | <script> |
| | | |
| | | import { listParamCollection, getParamCollection, delParamCollection, addParamCollection, updateParamCollection } from "@/api/main/da/paramCollection/paramCollection"; |
| | | |
| | | export default { |
| | | name: "productResult", |
| | | computed: { |
| | | }, |
| | | dicts: ['sys_normal_disable','order_scheduling_produce_status','print_status'], |
| | | components: { |
| | | }, |
| | | data(){ |
| | | return{ |
| | | dateRange: '', |
| | | // ç¨äºåå¨éæ©çæ¥æèå´ |
| | | total: 0, |
| | | ids: [], |
| | | productResultReportList: [], |
| | | loading: true, |
| | | single: true, |
| | | // éå¤ä¸ªç¦ç¨ |
| | | multiple: true, |
| | | // æ¾ç¤ºæç´¢æ¡ä»¶ |
| | | showSearch: true, |
| | | // æ¥è¯¢åæ° |
| | | queryParams: { |
| | | pageNum: 1, |
| | | pageSize: 10, |
| | | workOrderNo: null, |
| | | sfcCode: null, |
| | | productCode: null, |
| | | productionLine: null, |
| | | locationCode: null, |
| | | equipmentNo: null, |
| | | paramCode: null, |
| | | paramValue: null, |
| | | paramUpper: null, |
| | | paramLower: null, |
| | | paramStandard: null, |
| | | collectionTime: null, |
| | | spareField1: null, |
| | | spareField2: null, |
| | | createUser: null, |
| | | createTime: null, |
| | | updateUser: null, |
| | | updateTime: null, |
| | | state: null, |
| | | paramName: null, |
| | | unit: null, |
| | | type: 'å·¥ä½äº§åç»æ', |
| | | startDate: null, |
| | | endDate: null, |
| | | dateConditions: [], |
| | | }, |
| | | |
| | | pickerOptions: { |
| | | shortcuts: [{ |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸å¨', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 7); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }, { |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸ä¸ªæ', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 30); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }, { |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸ä¸ªæ', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 90); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }] |
| | | }, |
| | | |
| | | } |
| | | }, |
| | | created() { |
| | | this.getList(); |
| | | }, |
| | | methods: { |
| | | reset() { |
| | | this.form = { |
| | | id: null, |
| | | workOrderNo: null, |
| | | sfcCode: null, |
| | | productCode: null, |
| | | productionLine: null, |
| | | locationCode: null, |
| | | equipmentNo: null, |
| | | paramCode: null, |
| | | paramValue: null, |
| | | paramUpper: null, |
| | | paramLower: null, |
| | | paramStandard: null, |
| | | collectionTime: null, |
| | | spareField1: null, |
| | | spareField2: null, |
| | | createUser: null, |
| | | createTime: null, |
| | | updateUser: null, |
| | | updateTime: null, |
| | | state: null, |
| | | paramName: null, |
| | | unit: null, |
| | | type: 'å·¥ä½äº§åç»æ', |
| | | }; |
| | | this.resetForm("form"); |
| | | }, |
| | | /** æç´¢æé®æä½ */ |
| | | handleQuery() { |
| | | this.queryParams.pageNum = 1; |
| | | this.getList(); |
| | | }, |
| | | /** éç½®æé®æä½ */ |
| | | resetQuery() { |
| | | this.resetForm("queryForm"); |
| | | this.handleQuery(); |
| | | }, |
| | | // å¤éæ¡éä¸æ°æ® |
| | | handleSelectionChange(selection) { |
| | | this.ids = => |
| | | this.single = selection.length !== 1 |
| | | this.multiple = !selection.length |
| | | }, |
| | | |
| | | getList() { |
| | | this.loading = true; |
| | | listParamCollection(this.queryParams).then(response => { |
| | | this.productResultReportList = response.rows; |
| | | =; |
| | | this.loading = false; |
| | | }); |
| | | }, |
| | | |
| | | }, |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | </script> |
| | | |
| | | <style scoped> |
| | | ::v-deep .el-form-item__label{ |
| | | font-size: large; |
| | | } |
| | | ::v-deep .el-card__body{ |
| | | padding: 15px 20px 0px 20px; |
| | | } |
| | | </style> |
¶Ô±ÈÐÂÎļþ |
| | |
| | | <template> |
| | | <div class="app-container"> |
| | | <el-card class="box-card" > |
| | | <el-form :model="queryParams" ref="queryForm" :inline="true" v-show="showSearch" label-width="68px" > |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="120" label="ç®±ä½ç¼ç :" prop="sfcCode"> |
| | | <el-input clearable |
| | | v-model="queryParams.sfcCode" |
| | | placeholder="请è¾å
¥ç®±ä½ç¼ç " |
| | | @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery"/> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="120" label="å·¥ä½å·:" prop="locationCode"> |
| | | <el-input clearable |
| | | v-model="queryParams.locationCode" |
| | | placeholder="请è¾å
¥å·¥ä½å·" |
| | | @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery"/> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="130" label="ä¿åæ¥æ" prop="dateConditions"> |
| | | <el-date-picker |
| | | v-model="queryParams.dateConditions" |
| | | type="datetimerange" |
| | | :picker-options="pickerOptions" |
| | | value-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
| | | range-separator="è³" |
| | | start-placeholder="å¼å§æ¥æ" |
| | | end-placeholder="ç»ææ¥æ" |
| | | align="right"> |
| | | </el-date-picker> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item style="float: right"> |
| | | <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-refresh" @click="handleQuery">æ¥è¯¢</el-button> |
| | | <el-button type="" icon="el-icon-refresh" @click="resetQuery">éç½®</el-button> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | </el-form> |
| | | </el-card> <el-card style="margin-top: 10px" class="box-card"> |
| | | <el-table v-loading="loading" border :data="refuelDataReportList" @selection-change="handleSelectionChange" v-if="refuelDataReportList.length > 0"> |
| | | <el-table-column type="selection" width="55" align="center" /> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ç®±ä½ç¼ç " align="center" width="200" prop="sfcCode"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="å·¥ä½" align="center" prop="locationCode"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åæ°ç¼ç " align="center" prop="paramCode"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åæ°å称" align="center" prop="paramName"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åæ°å¼" align="center" prop="paramValue"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ééæ¶é´" align="center" prop="collectionTime" width="180"> |
| | | <template slot-scope="scope"> |
| | | <span>{{ parseTime(scope.row.collectionTime, '{y}-{m}-{d} {h}:{i}:{s}') }}</span> |
| | | </template> |
| | | </el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="ç¶æ" align="center" prop="state"></el-table-column> |
| | | <el-table-column label="åä½" align="center" prop="unit"></el-table-column> |
| | | </el-table> |
| | | <el-empty v-else> |
| | | <span slot="description">ææ æ°æ®</span> |
| | | </el-empty> |
| | | </el-card> |
| | | |
| | | <pagination |
| | | v-show="total>0" |
| | | :total="total" |
| | | :page.sync="queryParams.pageNum" |
| | | :limit.sync="queryParams.pageSize" |
| | | @pagination="getList" |
| | | /> |
| | | |
| | | </div> |
| | | </template> |
| | | <script> |
| | | |
| | | import { listParamCollection, getParamCollection, delParamCollection, addParamCollection, updateParamCollection } from "@/api/main/da/paramCollection/paramCollection"; |
| | | |
| | | export default { |
| | | name: "refuelData", |
| | | computed: { |
| | | }, |
| | | dicts: ['sys_normal_disable','order_scheduling_produce_status','print_status'], |
| | | components: { |
| | | }, |
| | | data(){ |
| | | return{ |
| | | dateRange: '', |
| | | // ç¨äºåå¨éæ©çæ¥æèå´ |
| | | total: 0, |
| | | ids: [], |
| | | refuelDataReportList: [], |
| | | loading: true, |
| | | single: true, |
| | | // éå¤ä¸ªç¦ç¨ |
| | | multiple: true, |
| | | // æ¾ç¤ºæç´¢æ¡ä»¶ |
| | | showSearch: true, |
| | | // æ¥è¯¢åæ° |
| | | queryParams: { |
| | | pageNum: 1, |
| | | pageSize: 10, |
| | | workOrderNo: null, |
| | | sfcCode: null, |
| | | productCode: null, |
| | | productionLine: null, |
| | | locationCode: null, |
| | | equipmentNo: null, |
| | | paramCode: null, |
| | | paramValue: null, |
| | | paramUpper: null, |
| | | paramLower: null, |
| | | paramStandard: null, |
| | | collectionTime: null, |
| | | spareField1: null, |
| | | spareField2: null, |
| | | createUser: null, |
| | | createTime: null, |
| | | updateUser: null, |
| | | updateTime: null, |
| | | state: null, |
| | | paramName: null, |
| | | unit: null, |
| | | type: 'æºæ²¹å 注æ°æ®', |
| | | startDate: null, |
| | | endDate: null, |
| | | dateConditions: [], |
| | | }, |
| | | pickerOptions: { |
| | | shortcuts: [{ |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸å¨', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 7); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }, { |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸ä¸ªæ', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 30); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }, { |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸ä¸ªæ', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 90); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }] |
| | | }, |
| | | } |
| | | }, |
| | | created() { |
| | | this.getList(); |
| | | }, |
| | | methods: { |
| | | |
| | | reset() { |
| | | this.form = { |
| | | id: null, |
| | | workOrderNo: null, |
| | | sfcCode: null, |
| | | productCode: null, |
| | | productionLine: null, |
| | | locationCode: null, |
| | | equipmentNo: null, |
| | | paramCode: null, |
| | | paramValue: null, |
| | | paramUpper: null, |
| | | paramLower: null, |
| | | paramStandard: null, |
| | | collectionTime: null, |
| | | spareField1: null, |
| | | spareField2: null, |
| | | createUser: null, |
| | | createTime: null, |
| | | updateUser: null, |
| | | updateTime: null, |
| | | state: null, |
| | | paramName: null, |
| | | unit: null, |
| | | type: 'æºæ²¹å 注æ°æ®', |
| | | }; |
| | | this.resetForm("form"); |
| | | }, |
| | | /** æç´¢æé®æä½ */ |
| | | handleQuery() { |
| | | this.queryParams.pageNum = 1; |
| | | this.getList(); |
| | | }, |
| | | /** éç½®æé®æä½ */ |
| | | resetQuery() { |
| | | this.resetForm("queryForm"); |
| | | this.handleQuery(); |
| | | }, |
| | | // å¤éæ¡éä¸æ°æ® |
| | | handleSelectionChange(selection) { |
| | | this.ids = => |
| | | this.single = selection.length !== 1 |
| | | this.multiple = !selection.length |
| | | }, |
| | | |
| | | getList() { |
| | | this.loading = true; |
| | | listParamCollection(this.queryParams).then(response => { |
| | | this.refuelDataReportList = response.rows; |
| | | =; |
| | | this.loading = false; |
| | | }); |
| | | }, |
| | | |
| | | }, |
| | | } |
| | | |
| | | </script> |
| | | |
| | | <style scoped> |
| | | ::v-deep .el-form-item__label{ |
| | | font-size: large; |
| | | } |
| | | ::v-deep .el-card__body{ |
| | | padding: 15px 20px 0px 20px; |
| | | } |
| | | </style> |
| | |
| | | placeholder="请è¾å
¥å·¥ä½å·" |
| | | @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery"/> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="120" label="ééæ¶é´" prop="startDate"> |
| | | <el-form-item label-width="130" label="ä¿åæ¥æ" prop="dateConditions"> |
| | | <el-date-picker |
| | | v-model="dateRange" |
| | | type="daterange" |
| | | v-model="queryParams.dateConditions" |
| | | type="datetimerange" |
| | | :picker-options="pickerOptions" |
| | | value-format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" |
| | | range-separator="è³" |
| | | start-placeholder="å¼å§æ¥æ" |
| | | end-placeholder="ç»ææ¥æ"> |
| | | end-placeholder="ç»ææ¥æ" |
| | | align="right"> |
| | | </el-date-picker> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item style="float: right"> |
| | |
| | | unit: null, |
| | | type: 'æ§ç´§æ°æ®', |
| | | startDate: null, |
| | | endDate: null |
| | | endDate: null, |
| | | dateConditions: [], |
| | | }, |
| | | pickerOptions: { |
| | | shortcuts: [{ |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸å¨', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 7); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }, { |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸ä¸ªæ', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 30); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }, { |
| | | text: 'æè¿ä¸ä¸ªæ', |
| | | onClick(picker) { |
| | | const end = new Date(); |
| | | const start = new Date(); |
| | | start.setTime(start.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 90); |
| | | picker.$emit('pick', [start, end]); |
| | | } |
| | | }] |
| | | }, |
| | | } |
| | | }, |
| | |
| | | this.getList(); |
| | | }, |
| | | methods: { |
| | | |
| | | // async fetchData() { |
| | | // // æ建API请æ±çURLï¼ä½¿ç¨éæ©çæ¥æèå´ä½ä¸ºæ¥è¯¢åæ° |
| | | // const url = `@/api/main/da/paramCollection/paramCollection?startDate=${this.dateRange[0]}&endDate=${this.dateRange[1]}`; |
| | | // |
| | | // try { |
| | | // // åéAPI请æ±ï¼è·åæ¥è¯¢ç»æ |
| | | // const response = await fetch(url); |
| | | // const data = await response.json(); |
| | | // console.log(data); // å¤çæ¥è¯¢ç»æï¼æ¯å¦å¨æ§å¶å°è¾åºææ¾ç¤ºå¨é¡µé¢ä¸ |
| | | // } catch (error) { |
| | | // console.error('Error fetching data:', error); |
| | | // } |
| | | // }, |
| | | // }, |
| | | |
| | | reset() { |
| | | this.form = { |