| | |
| | | <include refid="selectBsProductBomChildInfoVo"/> |
| | | <where> |
| | | <if test="materialCode != null and materialCode != ''"> and material_code = #{materialCode}</if> |
| | | <if test="materialName != null and materialName != ''"> and material_name = #{materialName}</if> |
| | | <if test="bomCode != null and bomCode != ''"> and bom_code = #{bomCode}</if> |
| | | <if test="opCode != null and opCode != ''"> and op_code = #{opCode}</if> |
| | | <if test="opName != null and opName != ''"> and op_name = #{opName}</if> |
| | | |
| | | </where> |
| | | </select> |
| | | |
| | |
| | | <div class="app-container"> |
| | | <el-card class="box-card"> |
| | | <el-form :model="queryParams" ref="queryForm" size="small" :inline="true" v-show="showSearch" label-width="68px"> |
| | | <el-form-item label="工序编码" prop="opCode"> |
| | | <el-input |
| | | v-model="queryParams.opCode" |
| | | placeholder="请输入工序编码" |
| | | clearable |
| | | @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery" |
| | | /> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item label="工序名称" prop="opName"> |
| | | <el-input |
| | | v-model="queryParams.opName" |
| | | placeholder="请输入工序名称" |
| | | clearable |
| | | @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery" |
| | | /> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item label="物料编码" prop="materialCode"> |
| | | <el-input |
| | | v-model="queryParams.materialCode" |
| | |
| | | @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery" |
| | | /> |
| | | </el-form-item> |
| | | <el-form-item label="BOM编码" label-width="120" prop="bomCode"> |
| | | <el-form-item label="物料名称" label-width="120" prop="materialName"> |
| | | <el-input |
| | | v-model="queryParams.bomCode" |
| | | placeholder="请输入BOM编码" |
| | | v-model="queryParams.materialName" |
| | | placeholder="请输入物料名称" |
| | | clearable |
| | | @keyup.enter.native="handleQuery" |
| | | /> |
| | |
| | | pageSize: 10, |
| | | materialCode: null, |
| | | bomCode: null, |
| | | opCode: null, |
| | | opName: null, |
| | | materialName: null, |
| | | }, |
| | | headerInformationData:{ |
| | | bomCode: "", |
| | |
| | | handleAdd() { |
| | | this.reset(); |
| | | this.open = true; |
| | | this.initWorkshop(); |
| | | this.titleName = "添加产线信息"; |
| | | }, |
| | | /** 修改按钮操作 */ |
| | | handleUpdate(row) { |
| | | this.reset(); |
| | | this.initWorkshop(); |
| | | const id = row.id || this.ids |
| | | getLineInfo(id).then(response => { |
| | | this.form = response.data; |
| | |
| | | }, |
| | | // 多选框选中数据 |
| | | handleSelectionChange(selection) { |
| | | // this.ids = selection.map(item => item.id) |
| | | // const statusSize = selection.map(item => item.orderStatus) |
| | | // const intArr = statusSize.map(str => parseInt(str)); |
| | | // const sum = intArr.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0); |
| | | // this.single = selection.length!==1 |
| | | // this.multiple = !selection.length |
| | | // if(selection[0].orderStatus!== '1'||sum!==selection.length){ |
| | | // this.single = true |
| | | // this.multiple = true |
| | | // } |
| | | // if(selection.length > 1){ |
| | | // this.move = true |
| | | // }else { |
| | | // this.move = false |
| | | // } |
| | | |
| | | this.ids = selection.map(item => item.id) |
| | | // this.single = selection.length!==1 |
| | | // this.multiple = !selection.length |
| | | this.move = selection.length!==1 |
| | | if(!selection.length){ |
| | | this.single = true |
| | |
| | | }, |
| | | /** 新增按钮操作 */ |
| | | handleAdd() { |
| | | this.initWorkshop(); |
| | | this.reset(); |
| | | this.open = true; |
| | | this.titleName = "添加生产工单"; |
| | | }, |
| | | /** 修改按钮操作 */ |
| | | handleUpdate(row) { |
| | | this.initWorkshop(); |
| | | this.reset(); |
| | | const id = row.id || this.ids |
| | | getProductionOrde(id).then(response => { |