| | |
| | | <result property="version" column="version" /> |
| | | <result property="status" column="status" /> |
| | | <result property="supplier" column="supplier" /> |
| | | <result property="mark" column="mark" /> |
| | | <result property="carType" column="car_type" /> |
| | | |
| | | </resultMap> |
| | | |
| | | <sql id="selectBsMaterialInfoVo"> |
| | | select id, material_code, material_name, material_view, type_z, type_l, unit, matter_version, remarks, create_user, create_time, update_user, update_time, erp_spec, data_source, version, status, supplier from bs_material_info |
| | | select id, material_code, mark, material_name,car_type, material_view, type_z, type_l, unit, matter_version, remarks, create_user, create_time, update_user, update_time, erp_spec, data_source, version, status, supplier from bs_material_info |
| | | </sql> |
| | | |
| | | <select id="selectBsMaterialInfoList" parameterType="BsMaterialInfo" resultMap="BsMaterialInfoResult"> |
| | |
| | | <where> |
| | | <if test="materialCode != null and materialCode != ''"> and material_code like concat('%', #{materialCode}, '%')</if> |
| | | <if test="materialName != null and materialName != ''"> and material_name like concat('%', #{materialName}, '%')</if> |
| | | <if test="mark != null and mark != ''"> and mark like concat('%', #{mark}, '%')</if> |
| | | <if test="materialView != null and materialView != ''"> and material_view = #{materialView}</if> |
| | | <if test="typeZ != null and typeZ != ''"> and type_z = #{typeZ}</if> |
| | | <if test="typeL != null and typeL != ''"> and type_l = #{typeL}</if> |
| | | <if test="unit != null and unit != ''"> and unit = #{unit}</if> |
| | | <if test="matterVersion != null and matterVersion != ''"> and matter_version = #{matterVersion}</if> |
| | | <if test="remarks != null and remarks != ''"> and remarks = #{remarks}</if> |
| | | <if test="carType != null and carType != ''"> and car_type = #{carType}</if> |
| | | <if test="createUser != null and createUser != ''"> and create_user = #{createUser}</if> |
| | | <if test="createTime != null "> and create_time = #{createTime}</if> |
| | | <if test="updateUser != null and updateUser != ''"> and update_user = #{updateUser}</if> |
| | |
| | | <if test="id != null">id,</if> |
| | | <if test="materialCode != null">material_code,</if> |
| | | <if test="materialName != null">material_name,</if> |
| | | <if test="carType != null">car_type,</if> |
| | | <if test="mark != null">mark,</if> |
| | | <if test="materialView != null">material_view,</if> |
| | | <if test="typeZ != null">type_z,</if> |
| | | <if test="typeL != null">type_l,</if> |
| | |
| | | <if test="id != null">#{id},</if> |
| | | <if test="materialCode != null">#{materialCode},</if> |
| | | <if test="materialName != null">#{materialName},</if> |
| | | <if test="carType != null">#{carType},</if> |
| | | <if test="mark != null">#{mark},</if> |
| | | <if test="materialView != null">#{materialView},</if> |
| | | <if test="typeZ != null">#{typeZ},</if> |
| | | <if test="typeL != null">#{typeL},</if> |
| | |
| | | <trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=","> |
| | | <if test="materialCode != null">material_code = #{materialCode},</if> |
| | | <if test="materialName != null">material_name = #{materialName},</if> |
| | | <if test="carType != null">car_type = #{carType},</if> |
| | | <if test="mark != null">mark = #{mark},</if> |
| | | <if test="materialView != null">material_view = #{materialView},</if> |
| | | <if test="typeZ != null">type_z = #{typeZ},</if> |
| | | <if test="typeL != null">type_l = #{typeL},</if> |