| | |
| | | <result property="updateTime" column="update_time" /> |
| | | <result property="remarks" column="remarks" /> |
| | | <result property="report30" column="report_30" /> |
| | | <result property="boxClosingOnlineTime" column="box_closing_online_time" /> |
| | | <result property="closingBoxOfflineTime" column="closing_box_offline_time" /> |
| | | <result property="finalAssemblyLaunchTime" column="final_assembly_launch_time" /> |
| | | <result property="finalAssemblyOfflineTime" column="final_assembly_offline_time" /> |
| | | <result property="cvtLaunchTime" column="cvt_launch_time" /> |
| | | <result property="cvtOfflineTime" column="cvt_offline_time" /> |
| | | |
| | | </resultMap> |
| | | |
| | | <sql id="selectBsOrderSchedulingVo"> |
| | | select id, order_no, engine_no, product_type, model, production_status, working_hours, current_workstation, quality_status, whether_or_print, report_10, report_20, combined_box_time, final_assembly_time, operator, operate_time, status, spare_field_1, spare_field_2, spare_field_3, spare_field_4, create_user, create_time, update_user, update_time, remarks, report_30 from bs_order_scheduling |
| | | select id, order_no, engine_no, product_type, model, production_status, working_hours, current_workstation, quality_status, whether_or_print, report_10, report_20, combined_box_time, final_assembly_time, operator, operate_time, status, spare_field_1, spare_field_2, spare_field_3, spare_field_4, create_user, create_time, update_user, update_time, remarks, report_30, box_closing_online_time, closing_box_offline_time, final_assembly_launch_time, final_assembly_offline_time, cvt_launch_time, cvt_offline_time from bs_order_scheduling |
| | | </sql> |
| | | |
| | | <select id="selectBsOrderSchedulingList" parameterType="BsOrderScheduling" resultMap="BsOrderSchedulingResult"> |
| | |
| | | <if test="updateUser != null and updateUser != ''"> and update_user = #{updateUser}</if> |
| | | <if test="remarks != null and remarks != ''"> and remarks = #{remarks}</if> |
| | | <if test="report30 != null and report30 != ''"> and report_30 = #{report30}</if> |
| | | |
| | | <if test="dateConditions != null and dateConditions != ''"> and operate_time BETWEEN #{startTime} AND #{endTime}</if> |
| | | <if test="boxClosingOnlineTime != null and boxClosingOnlineTime != ''"> and box_closing_online_time = #{boxClosingOnlineTime}</if> |
| | | <if test="closingBoxOfflineTime != null and closingBoxOfflineTime != ''"> and closing_box_offline_time = #{closingBoxOfflineTime}</if> |
| | | <if test="finalAssemblyLaunchTime != null and finalAssemblyLaunchTime != ''"> and final_assembly_launch_time = #{finalAssemblyLaunchTime}</if> |
| | | <if test="finalAssemblyOfflineTime != null and finalAssemblyOfflineTime != ''"> and final_assembly_offline_time = #{finalAssemblyOfflineTime}</if> |
| | | <if test="cvtLaunchTime != null and cvtLaunchTime != ''"> and cvt_launch_time = #{cvtLaunchTime}</if> |
| | | <if test="cvtOfflineTime != null and cvtOfflineTime != ''"> and cvt_offline_time = #{cvtOfflineTime}</if> |
| | | <if test="startTime != null and startTime != '' and endTime != null and endTime != ''"> and cvt_offline_time between #{startTime} and #{endTime}</if> |
| | | <if test="engineNoList != null and engineNoList.size() > 0"> |
| | | and engine_no in |
| | | <foreach collection="engineNoList" open="(" close=")" separator="," item="engine"> |
| | | #{engine} |
| | | </foreach> |
| | | </if> |
| | | <if test="engineNoListExcel != null and engineNoListExcel.size() > 0"> |
| | | and engine_no in |
| | | <foreach collection="engineNoListExcel" open="(" close=")" separator="," item="engine"> |
| | | #{engine} |
| | | </foreach> |
| | | </if> |
| | | </where> |
| | | </select> |
| | | |
| | |
| | | <include refid="selectBsOrderSchedulingVo"/> |
| | | where id = #{id} |
| | | </select> |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | <select id="selectBsOrderSchedulingSNCode" parameterType="String" resultMap="BsOrderSchedulingResult"> |
| | | <include refid="selectBsOrderSchedulingVo"/> |
| | | where engine_no = #{sncode} |
| | | </select> |
| | | |
| | | <select id="getPrepareOnlineList" resultType="com.jcdm.main.bs.orderScheduling.domain.BsOrderScheduling"> |
| | | select bos.* from bs_order_scheduling bos |
| | | <where> |
| | | <if test="prepareOnlineQuery.orderNo != null and prepareOnlineQuery.orderNo != '' "> |
| | | and bos.order_no = #{prepareOnlineQuery.orderNo} |
| | | </if> |
| | | <if test="prepareOnlineQuery.engineNo != null and prepareOnlineQuery.engineNo != '' "> |
| | | and bos.engine_no = #{prepareOnlineQuery.engineNo} |
| | | </if> |
| | | </where> |
| | | </select> |
| | | <select id="getProduceNumToday" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> |
| | | select count(*) from bs_order_scheduling |
| | | where ${queryField} BETWEEN #{startTime} AND #{endTime} |
| | | </select> |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | <insert id="insertBsOrderScheduling" parameterType="BsOrderScheduling" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id"> |
| | | insert into bs_order_scheduling |
| | | <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> |
| | |
| | | <if test="updateTime != null">update_time,</if> |
| | | <if test="remarks != null">remarks,</if> |
| | | <if test="report30 != null">report_30,</if> |
| | | <if test="boxClosingOnlineTime != null">box_closing_online_time,</if> |
| | | <if test="closingBoxOfflineTime != null">closing_box_offline_time,</if> |
| | | <if test="finalAssemblyLaunchTime != null">final_assembly_launch_time,</if> |
| | | <if test="finalAssemblyOfflineTime != null">final_assembly_offline_time,</if> |
| | | <if test="cvtLaunchTime != null">cvt_launch_time,</if> |
| | | <if test="cvtOfflineTime != null">cvt_offline_time,</if> |
| | | </trim> |
| | | <trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> |
| | | <if test="orderNo != null">#{orderNo},</if> |
| | |
| | | <if test="updateTime != null">#{updateTime},</if> |
| | | <if test="remarks != null">#{remarks},</if> |
| | | <if test="report30 != null">#{report30},</if> |
| | | <if test="boxClosingOnlineTime != null">#{boxClosingOnlineTime},</if> |
| | | <if test="closingBoxOfflineTime != null">#{closingBoxOfflineTime},</if> |
| | | <if test="finalAssemblyLaunchTime != null">#{finalAssemblyLaunchTime},</if> |
| | | <if test="finalAssemblyOfflineTime != null">#{finalAssemblyOfflineTime},</if> |
| | | <if test="cvtLaunchTime != null">#{cvtLaunchTime},</if> |
| | | <if test="cvtOfflineTime != null">#{cvtOfflineTime},</if> |
| | | |
| | | </trim> |
| | | </insert> |
| | |
| | | <if test="updateTime != null">update_time = #{updateTime},</if> |
| | | <if test="remarks != null">remarks = #{remarks},</if> |
| | | <if test="report30 != null">report_30 = #{report30},</if> |
| | | <if test="boxClosingOnlineTime != null">box_closing_online_time = #{boxClosingOnlineTime},</if> |
| | | <if test="closingBoxOfflineTime != null">closing_box_offline_time = #{closingBoxOfflineTime},</if> |
| | | <if test="finalAssemblyLaunchTime != null">final_assembly_launch_time = #{finalAssemblyLaunchTime},</if> |
| | | <if test="finalAssemblyOfflineTime != null">final_assembly_offline_time = #{finalAssemblyOfflineTime},</if> |
| | | <if test="cvtLaunchTime != null">cvt_launch_time = #{cvtLaunchTime},</if> |
| | | <if test="cvtOfflineTime != null">cvt_offline_time = #{cvtOfflineTime},</if> |
| | | |
| | | </trim> |
| | | where id = #{id} |