| | |
| | | AND config_key like concat('%', #{configKey}, '%') |
| | | </if> |
| | | <if test="params.beginTime != null and params.beginTime != ''"><!-- 开始时间检索 --> |
| | | and date_format(create_time,'%Y%m%d') >= date_format(#{params.beginTime},'%Y%m%d') |
| | | and date_format(create_time,'%y%m%d') >= date_format(#{params.beginTime},'%y%m%d') |
| | | </if> |
| | | <if test="params.endTime != null and params.endTime != ''"><!-- 结束时间检索 --> |
| | | and date_format(create_time,'%Y%m%d') <= date_format(#{params.endTime},'%Y%m%d') |
| | | and date_format(create_time,'%y%m%d') <= date_format(#{params.endTime},'%y%m%d') |
| | | </if> |
| | | </where> |
| | | </select> |
| | |
| | | <if test="configType != null and configType != ''">#{configType},</if> |
| | | <if test="createBy != null and createBy != ''">#{createBy},</if> |
| | | <if test="remark != null and remark != ''">#{remark},</if> |
| | | sysdate() |
| | | getdate() |
| | | ) |
| | | </insert> |
| | | |
| | |
| | | <if test="configType != null and configType != ''">config_type = #{configType},</if> |
| | | <if test="updateBy != null and updateBy != ''">update_by = #{updateBy},</if> |
| | | <if test="remark != null">remark = #{remark},</if> |
| | | update_time = sysdate() |
| | | update_time = getdate() |
| | | </set> |
| | | where config_id = #{configId} |
| | | </update> |