提交 | 用户 | 时间
1 |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> |
Y |
2 |
<!DOCTYPE mapper |
3 |
PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" |
4 |
"http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"> |
5 |
<mapper namespace="com.jcdm.main.bs.orderScheduling.mapper.BsOrderSchedulingMapper"> |
6 |
7 |
<resultMap type="BsOrderScheduling" id="BsOrderSchedulingResult"> |
8 |
<result property="id" column="id" /> |
9 |
<result property="orderNo" column="order_no" /> |
10 |
<result property="engineNo" column="engine_no" /> |
11 |
<result property="productType" column="product_type" /> |
12 |
<result property="model" column="model" /> |
13 |
<result property="productionStatus" column="production_status" /> |
14 |
<result property="workingHours" column="working_hours" /> |
15 |
<result property="currentWorkstation" column="current_workstation" /> |
16 |
<result property="qualityStatus" column="quality_status" /> |
17 |
<result property="whetherOrPrint" column="whether_or_print" /> |
18 |
<result property="report10" column="report_10" /> |
19 |
<result property="report20" column="report_20" /> |
20 |
<result property="combinedBoxTime" column="combined_box_time" /> |
21 |
<result property="finalAssemblyTime" column="final_assembly_time" /> |
22 |
<result property="operator" column="operator" /> |
23 |
<result property="operateTime" column="operate_time" /> |
24 |
<result property="status" column="status" /> |
25 |
<result property="spareField1" column="spare_field_1" /> |
26 |
<result property="spareField2" column="spare_field_2" /> |
27 |
<result property="spareField3" column="spare_field_3" /> |
28 |
<result property="spareField4" column="spare_field_4" /> |
29 |
<result property="createUser" column="create_user" /> |
30 |
<result property="createTime" column="create_time" /> |
31 |
<result property="updateUser" column="update_user" /> |
32 |
<result property="updateTime" column="update_time" /> |
33 |
<result property="remarks" column="remarks" /> |
34 |
<result property="report30" column="report_30" /> |
35 |
<result property="boxClosingOnlineTime" column="box_closing_online_time" /> |
36 |
<result property="closingBoxOfflineTime" column="closing_box_offline_time" /> |
37 |
<result property="finalAssemblyLaunchTime" column="final_assembly_launch_time" /> |
38 |
<result property="finalAssemblyOfflineTime" column="final_assembly_offline_time" /> |
39 |
<result property="cvtLaunchTime" column="cvt_launch_time" /> |
40 |
<result property="cvtOfflineTime" column="cvt_offline_time" /> |
41 |
42 |
</resultMap> |
43 |
44 |
<sql id="selectBsOrderSchedulingVo"> |
45 |
select id, order_no, engine_no, product_type, model, production_status, working_hours, current_workstation, quality_status, whether_or_print, report_10, report_20, combined_box_time, final_assembly_time, operator, operate_time, status, spare_field_1, spare_field_2, spare_field_3, spare_field_4, create_user, create_time, update_user, update_time, remarks, report_30, box_closing_online_time, closing_box_offline_time, final_assembly_launch_time, final_assembly_offline_time, cvt_launch_time, cvt_offline_time from bs_order_scheduling |
46 |
</sql> |
47 |
48 |
<select id="selectBsOrderSchedulingList" parameterType="BsOrderScheduling" resultMap="BsOrderSchedulingResult"> |
49 |
<include refid="selectBsOrderSchedulingVo"/> |
50 |
<where> |
51 |
<if test="orderNo != null and orderNo != ''"> and order_no = #{orderNo}</if> |
52 |
<if test="engineNo != null and engineNo != ''"> and engine_no = #{engineNo}</if> |
53 |
<if test="productType != null and productType != ''"> and product_type = #{productType}</if> |
54 |
<if test="model != null and model != ''"> and model = #{model}</if> |
55 |
<if test="productionStatus != null and productionStatus != ''"> and production_status = #{productionStatus}</if> |
56 |
<if test="workingHours != null and workingHours != ''"> and working_hours = #{workingHours}</if> |
57 |
<if test="currentWorkstation != null and currentWorkstation != ''"> and current_workstation = #{currentWorkstation}</if> |
58 |
<if test="qualityStatus != null and qualityStatus != ''"> and quality_status = #{qualityStatus}</if> |
59 |
<if test="whetherOrPrint != null and whetherOrPrint != ''"> and whether_or_print = #{whetherOrPrint}</if> |
60 |
<if test="report10 != null and report10 != ''"> and report_10 = #{report10}</if> |
61 |
<if test="report20 != null and report20 != ''"> and report_20 = #{report20}</if> |
62 |
<if test="combinedBoxTime != null and combinedBoxTime != ''"> and combined_box_time = #{combinedBoxTime}</if> |
63 |
<if test="finalAssemblyTime != null and finalAssemblyTime != ''"> and final_assembly_time = #{finalAssemblyTime}</if> |
64 |
<if test="operator != null and operator != ''"> and operator = #{operator}</if> |
65 |
<if test="operateTime != null and operateTime != ''"> and operate_time = #{operateTime}</if> |
66 |
<if test="status != null and status != ''"> and status = #{status}</if> |
67 |
<if test="spareField1 != null and spareField1 != ''"> and spare_field_1 = #{spareField1}</if> |
68 |
<if test="spareField2 != null and spareField2 != ''"> and spare_field_2 = #{spareField2}</if> |
69 |
<if test="spareField3 != null and spareField3 != ''"> and spare_field_3 = #{spareField3}</if> |
70 |
<if test="spareField4 != null and spareField4 != ''"> and spare_field_4 = #{spareField4}</if> |
71 |
<if test="createUser != null and createUser != ''"> and create_user = #{createUser}</if> |
72 |
<if test="updateUser != null and updateUser != ''"> and update_user = #{updateUser}</if> |
73 |
<if test="remarks != null and remarks != ''"> and remarks = #{remarks}</if> |
74 |
<if test="report30 != null and report30 != ''"> and report_30 = #{report30}</if> |
75 |
<if test="dateConditions != null and dateConditions != ''"> and operate_time BETWEEN #{startTime} AND #{endTime}</if> |
76 |
<if test="boxClosingOnlineTime != null and boxClosingOnlineTime != ''"> and box_closing_online_time = #{boxClosingOnlineTime}</if> |
77 |
<if test="closingBoxOfflineTime != null and closingBoxOfflineTime != ''"> and closing_box_offline_time = #{closingBoxOfflineTime}</if> |
78 |
<if test="finalAssemblyLaunchTime != null and finalAssemblyLaunchTime != ''"> and final_assembly_launch_time = #{finalAssemblyLaunchTime}</if> |
79 |
<if test="finalAssemblyOfflineTime != null and finalAssemblyOfflineTime != ''"> and final_assembly_offline_time = #{finalAssemblyOfflineTime}</if> |
80 |
<if test="cvtLaunchTime != null and cvtLaunchTime != ''"> and cvt_launch_time = #{cvtLaunchTime}</if> |
81 |
<if test="cvtOfflineTime != null and cvtOfflineTime != ''"> and cvt_offline_time = #{cvtOfflineTime}</if> |
82 |
<if test="startTime != null and startTime != '' and endTime != null and endTime != ''"> and cvt_offline_time between #{startTime} and #{endTime}</if> |
83 |
<if test="engineNoList != null and engineNoList.size() > 0"> |
84 |
and engine_no in |
85 |
<foreach collection="engineNoList" open="(" close=")" separator="," item="engine"> |
86 |
#{engine} |
87 |
</foreach> |
88 |
</if> |
89 |
<if test="engineNoListExcel != null and engineNoListExcel.size() > 0"> |
90 |
and engine_no in |
91 |
<foreach collection="engineNoListExcel" open="(" close=")" separator="," item="engine"> |
92 |
#{engine} |
93 |
</foreach> |
94 |
</if> |
95 |
</where> |
96 |
</select> |
97 |
98 |
<select id="selectBsOrderSchedulingById" parameterType="Long" resultMap="BsOrderSchedulingResult"> |
99 |
<include refid="selectBsOrderSchedulingVo"/> |
100 |
where id = #{id} |
101 |
</select> |
102 |
<select id="getPrepareOnlineList" resultType="com.jcdm.main.bs.orderScheduling.domain.BsOrderScheduling"> |
103 |
select bos.* from bs_order_scheduling bos |
104 |
<where> |
105 |
<if test="prepareOnlineQuery.orderNo != null and prepareOnlineQuery.orderNo != '' "> |
106 |
and bos.order_no = #{prepareOnlineQuery.orderNo} |
107 |
</if> |
108 |
<if test="prepareOnlineQuery.engineNo != null and prepareOnlineQuery.engineNo != '' "> |
109 |
and bos.engine_no = #{prepareOnlineQuery.engineNo} |
110 |
</if> |
111 |
</where> |
112 |
</select> |
113 |
<select id="getProduceNumToday" resultType="java.lang.Integer"> |
114 |
select count(*) from bs_order_scheduling |
115 |
where ${queryField} BETWEEN #{startTime} AND #{endTime} |
116 |
</select> |
117 |
118 |
119 |
<insert id="insertBsOrderScheduling" parameterType="BsOrderScheduling" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id"> |
120 |
insert into bs_order_scheduling |
121 |
<trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> |
122 |
<if test="orderNo != null">order_no,</if> |
123 |
<if test="engineNo != null">engine_no,</if> |
124 |
<if test="productType != null">product_type,</if> |
125 |
<if test="model != null">model,</if> |
126 |
<if test="productionStatus != null">production_status,</if> |
127 |
<if test="workingHours != null">working_hours,</if> |
128 |
<if test="currentWorkstation != null">current_workstation,</if> |
129 |
<if test="qualityStatus != null">quality_status,</if> |
130 |
<if test="whetherOrPrint != null">whether_or_print,</if> |
131 |
<if test="report10 != null">report_10,</if> |
132 |
<if test="report20 != null">report_20,</if> |
133 |
<if test="combinedBoxTime != null">combined_box_time,</if> |
134 |
<if test="finalAssemblyTime != null">final_assembly_time,</if> |
135 |
<if test="operator != null">operator,</if> |
136 |
<if test="operateTime != null">operate_time,</if> |
137 |
<if test="status != null">status,</if> |
138 |
<if test="spareField1 != null">spare_field_1,</if> |
139 |
<if test="spareField2 != null">spare_field_2,</if> |
140 |
<if test="spareField3 != null">spare_field_3,</if> |
141 |
<if test="spareField4 != null">spare_field_4,</if> |
142 |
<if test="createUser != null">create_user,</if> |
143 |
<if test="createTime != null">create_time,</if> |
144 |
<if test="updateUser != null">update_user,</if> |
145 |
<if test="updateTime != null">update_time,</if> |
146 |
<if test="remarks != null">remarks,</if> |
147 |
<if test="report30 != null">report_30,</if> |
148 |
<if test="boxClosingOnlineTime != null">box_closing_online_time,</if> |
149 |
<if test="closingBoxOfflineTime != null">closing_box_offline_time,</if> |
150 |
<if test="finalAssemblyLaunchTime != null">final_assembly_launch_time,</if> |
151 |
<if test="finalAssemblyOfflineTime != null">final_assembly_offline_time,</if> |
152 |
<if test="cvtLaunchTime != null">cvt_launch_time,</if> |
153 |
<if test="cvtOfflineTime != null">cvt_offline_time,</if> |
154 |
</trim> |
155 |
<trim prefix="values (" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> |
156 |
<if test="orderNo != null">#{orderNo},</if> |
157 |
<if test="engineNo != null">#{engineNo},</if> |
158 |
<if test="productType != null">#{productType},</if> |
159 |
<if test="model != null">#{model},</if> |
160 |
<if test="productionStatus != null">#{productionStatus},</if> |
161 |
<if test="workingHours != null">#{workingHours},</if> |
162 |
<if test="currentWorkstation != null">#{currentWorkstation},</if> |
163 |
<if test="qualityStatus != null">#{qualityStatus},</if> |
164 |
<if test="whetherOrPrint != null">#{whetherOrPrint},</if> |
165 |
<if test="report10 != null">#{report10},</if> |
166 |
<if test="report20 != null">#{report20},</if> |
167 |
<if test="combinedBoxTime != null">#{combinedBoxTime},</if> |
168 |
<if test="finalAssemblyTime != null">#{finalAssemblyTime},</if> |
169 |
<if test="operator != null">#{operator},</if> |
170 |
<if test="operateTime != null">#{operateTime},</if> |
171 |
<if test="status != null">#{status},</if> |
172 |
<if test="spareField1 != null">#{spareField1},</if> |
173 |
<if test="spareField2 != null">#{spareField2},</if> |
174 |
<if test="spareField3 != null">#{spareField3},</if> |
175 |
<if test="spareField4 != null">#{spareField4},</if> |
176 |
<if test="createUser != null">#{createUser},</if> |
177 |
<if test="createTime != null">#{createTime},</if> |
178 |
<if test="updateUser != null">#{updateUser},</if> |
179 |
<if test="updateTime != null">#{updateTime},</if> |
180 |
<if test="remarks != null">#{remarks},</if> |
181 |
<if test="report30 != null">#{report30},</if> |
182 |
<if test="boxClosingOnlineTime != null">#{boxClosingOnlineTime},</if> |
183 |
<if test="closingBoxOfflineTime != null">#{closingBoxOfflineTime},</if> |
184 |
<if test="finalAssemblyLaunchTime != null">#{finalAssemblyLaunchTime},</if> |
185 |
<if test="finalAssemblyOfflineTime != null">#{finalAssemblyOfflineTime},</if> |
186 |
<if test="cvtLaunchTime != null">#{cvtLaunchTime},</if> |
187 |
<if test="cvtOfflineTime != null">#{cvtOfflineTime},</if> |
188 |
189 |
</trim> |
190 |
</insert> |
191 |
192 |
<update id="updateBsOrderScheduling" parameterType="BsOrderScheduling"> |
193 |
update bs_order_scheduling |
194 |
<trim prefix="SET" suffixOverrides=","> |
195 |
<if test="orderNo != null">order_no = #{orderNo},</if> |
196 |
<if test="engineNo != null">engine_no = #{engineNo},</if> |
197 |
<if test="productType != null">product_type = #{productType},</if> |
198 |
<if test="model != null">model = #{model},</if> |
199 |
<if test="productionStatus != null">production_status = #{productionStatus},</if> |
200 |
<if test="workingHours != null">working_hours = #{workingHours},</if> |
201 |
<if test="currentWorkstation != null">current_workstation = #{currentWorkstation},</if> |
202 |
<if test="qualityStatus != null">quality_status = #{qualityStatus},</if> |
203 |
<if test="whetherOrPrint != null">whether_or_print = #{whetherOrPrint},</if> |
204 |
<if test="report10 != null">report_10 = #{report10},</if> |
205 |
<if test="report20 != null">report_20 = #{report20},</if> |
206 |
<if test="combinedBoxTime != null">combined_box_time = #{combinedBoxTime},</if> |
207 |
<if test="finalAssemblyTime != null">final_assembly_time = #{finalAssemblyTime},</if> |
208 |
<if test="operator != null">operator = #{operator},</if> |
209 |
<if test="operateTime != null">operate_time = #{operateTime},</if> |
210 |
<if test="status != null">status = #{status},</if> |
211 |
<if test="spareField1 != null">spare_field_1 = #{spareField1},</if> |
212 |
<if test="spareField2 != null">spare_field_2 = #{spareField2},</if> |
213 |
<if test="spareField3 != null">spare_field_3 = #{spareField3},</if> |
214 |
<if test="spareField4 != null">spare_field_4 = #{spareField4},</if> |
215 |
<if test="createUser != null">create_user = #{createUser},</if> |
216 |
<if test="createTime != null">create_time = #{createTime},</if> |
217 |
<if test="updateUser != null">update_user = #{updateUser},</if> |
218 |
<if test="updateTime != null">update_time = #{updateTime},</if> |
219 |
<if test="remarks != null">remarks = #{remarks},</if> |
220 |
<if test="report30 != null">report_30 = #{report30},</if> |
221 |
<if test="boxClosingOnlineTime != null">box_closing_online_time = #{boxClosingOnlineTime},</if> |
222 |
<if test="closingBoxOfflineTime != null">closing_box_offline_time = #{closingBoxOfflineTime},</if> |
223 |
<if test="finalAssemblyLaunchTime != null">final_assembly_launch_time = #{finalAssemblyLaunchTime},</if> |
224 |
<if test="finalAssemblyOfflineTime != null">final_assembly_offline_time = #{finalAssemblyOfflineTime},</if> |
225 |
<if test="cvtLaunchTime != null">cvt_launch_time = #{cvtLaunchTime},</if> |
226 |
<if test="cvtOfflineTime != null">cvt_offline_time = #{cvtOfflineTime},</if> |
227 |
228 |
</trim> |
229 |
where id = #{id} |
230 |
</update> |
231 |
232 |
<delete id="deleteBsOrderSchedulingById" parameterType="Long"> |
233 |
delete from bs_order_scheduling where id = #{id} |
234 |
</delete> |
235 |
236 |
<delete id="deleteBsOrderSchedulingByIds" parameterType="String"> |
237 |
delete from bs_order_scheduling where id in |
238 |
<foreach item="id" collection="array" open="(" separator="," close=")"> |
239 |
#{id} |
240 |
</foreach> |
241 |
</delete> |
242 |
</mapper> |